Nymphaeum — For other uses of this term, see Nymphaion (disambiguation). The Jerash nymphaeum. A nymphaeum or nymphaion (Greek: νυμφαίον), in ancient Greece and Rome, was a monument consecrated to the nymphs, especially those of springs. These … Wikipedia
nymphaeum — /nim fee euhm/, n., pl. nymphaea / fee euh/. 1. a room or area having a fountain, statues, flowers, etc. 2. an architecturally treated outlet of a reservoir or aqueduct. [1760 70; < L < Gk nymphaîon place sacred to nymphs, n. use of neut. of… … Universalium
NYMPHAEUM — I. NYMPHAEUM Balneum apud Romanos praeclarum, qualia 12. fuêre in urbe, inter quae Nymphaeum Alexandri Severi et Marci Imperator. apud Septizonium, illustria fuêre. Athermis, i. e. a balneis calidis discrepare ost endit l. Si quis per C. de… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Nymphaeum Traiani — Das Nymphaeum Traiani in Ephesos Nymphaeum Traiani Das Nymphaeu … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nymphaeum (Illyria) — For the other Greek colonies or other usage, see Nymphaion. Coordinates: 41°49′N 19°36′E / 41.817°N 19.6°E / 41.817; 19.6 … Wikipedia
nymphaeum — noun An ancient Greek or Roman shrine consecrated to water nymphs, often with a fountain … Wiktionary
nymphaeum — [nɪm fi:əm] noun (plural nymphaea) a grotto or shrine dedicated to a nymph or nymphs. Origin via L. from Gk … English new terms dictionary
nymphaeum — nym·phae·um … English syllables
nymphaeum — … Useful english dictionary
Temple of Minerva Medica (nymphaeum) — The so called Temple of Minerva Medica (Minerva the doctor) is a ruin of ancient Rome, between the via Labicana and Aurelian Wall and just inside the line of the Anio Vetus. Once part of the Horti Liciniani on the Esquiline Hill, now it faces the … Wikipedia