Asopus — or Asôpos (Greek Ασωπός) is the name of five different rivers in Greece and Turkey and also in Greek mythology the name of the gods of those rivers.The rivers#Boeotian Asopus, a river of Boeotia rising on Mt. Cithaeron and flowing through the… … Wikipedia
Asopus — Asōpus (Asopós), griech. Flußgott und Name mehrerer griech. Flüsse; der größte in Böotien … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Asopus — Asopus, Name eines griech. Flusses in Sicyonien, in Böotien und Thessalien, wie alle griech. Flüsse mythenreich … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
ASOPUS — I. ASOPUS fluv. Asiae, una cum Lyco fluv. Laodiceam urbem praeterfluens. Alius Boeotiae, Asopo. Cephisi fluv. ramus, qui ex Cithaerone monte profluens, agtumque Thebanum irrigans, a Plateensi decidit, ipsasque Thebas praeterlaens, Plateas, et… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Äsopus — Äso|pus vgl. Äsop … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
АСОП — • Asopus, Άσωπός, 1. река в Пелопоннесе, берет начало у Флиунта, протекает по Сикионской равнине и изливается в Коринфский залив; н. река Св. Георгия; 2. река в Южной Беотии (н. Вуриенис, Вуриенди), берет начало у Платеи … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Aegina (mythology) — Aegina Αἴγινα was a figure of Greek mythology, the nymph of the island that bears her name, Aegina, lying in the Saronic Gulf between Attica and the Peloponnesos. The archaic Temple of Aphaea, the Invisible Goddess , on the island was later… … Wikipedia
Bataille de Platées — Gravure de 1829 montrant la plaine de Platées depuis le mont Cithaeron Informations générales … Wikipédia en Français
Poseidon — This article is about the Greek god. For other uses, see Poseidon (disambiguation). Poseidon … Wikipedia
List of rivers of Greece — Tributaries= *Aegean Sea **Thermaic Gulf ***Elpeus ***Aliákmon ***Axios **Evros **Nestos **Pineios (Thessaly) **Spercheios **Krausidonas **Strymonas **Titaresios ***Kifisos (Athens and Piraeus) ***Kifisos (Eleusis) *Tanos River *Ionian Sea… … Wikipedia