

Persistenz (aus lat. persistere „verharren“, allgemein: etwas mit dauerhafter Beschaffenheit oder Beharrlichkeit, das langfristige Fortbestehen einer Sache) steht für:

  • Persistenz (Makroökonomie), in der Makroökonomie das Verharren von Arbeitslosigkeit und Inflation auf dem einmal erreichten Niveau
  • Persistenz (Chemie), in der Umweltchemie und Ökologie die Eigenschaft von Stoffen, unverändert durch physikalische, chemische oder biologische Prozesse in der Umwelt zu verbleiben
  • Erregerpersistenz, in der Medizin das Überdauern von Krankheitserregern in bestimmten Rückzugsräumen im Körper des Wirts
  • Persistenz der Aggregate, siehe Residuum (Pareto)
  • Persistenz (Informatik), in der Informatik die Fähigkeit, Datenstrukturen in nicht-flüchtigen Speichermedien, wie Dateisystemen oder Datenbanken zu speichern
  • Persistente Welt, in Rollenspielen im Hintergrund stehende Spielwelten

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  • Persistent — may relate to: * Persistent Systems, a software company based in Pune, India * Persistent data structure, a data structure in computing which preserves the previous version of itself when it is modified * Persistent organic pollutant, an organic… …   Wikipedia

  • persistent — PERSISTÉNT, Ă, persistenţi, te, adj. Care rămâne (multă vreme) neschimbat, care continuă să existe sau să dureze (multă vreme); care se menţine fără să slăbească în intensitate. ♢ (bot.) Frunze persistente = frunze care rămân verzi în timpul… …   Dicționar Român

  • Persistent — Per*sist ent, a. [L. persistens, entis, p. pr. of persistere. See {Persist}.] 1. Inclined to persist; having staying qualities; tenacious of position or purpose. [1913 Webster] 2. (Biol.) Remaining beyond the period when parts of the same kind… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Persistént — (lat.), beharrend; Persisténz, Beharrlichkeit; persistieren, dauern; auf etwas bestehen …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • persistent — I adjective abiding, adamant, assiduous, chronic, continued, continuing, continuous, determined, diligent, dogged, durable, enduring, everlasting, faithful, indefatigable, insistent, lasting, obstinate, patient, perdurable, perseverant,… …   Law dictionary

  • persistent — 1826, from PERSISTENCE (Cf. persistence) or from L. persistentem, prp. of persistere. Related: Persistently …   Etymology dictionary

  • persistent — [adj] determined; continuous assiduous, bound, bound and determined*, bulldogged*, constant, continual, dogged, endless, enduring, firm, fixed, immovable, incessant, indefatigable, in for long haul*, insistent, interminable, like bad penny*,… …   New thesaurus

  • persistent — ► ADJECTIVE 1) persisting or having a tendency to persist. 2) continuing or recurring; prolonged. 3) Botany & Zoology (of a horn, leaf, etc.) remaining attached instead of falling off in the normal manner. DERIVATIVES persistence noun… …   English terms dictionary

  • persistent — [pər sist′ənt, pərzist′ənt] adj. [L persistens, prp. of persistere: see PERSIST] 1. refusing to relent; continuing, esp. in the face of opposition, interference, etc.; stubborn; persevering 2. continuing to exist or endure; lasting without change …   English World dictionary

  • persistent — adjective Etymology: Latin persistent , persistens, present participle of persistere Date: 1826 1. existing for a long or longer than usual time or continuously: as a. retained beyond the usual period < a persistent leaf > b. continuing without… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • persistent — per|sis|tent [pəˈsıstənt US pər ] adj 1.) [usually before noun] continuing to exist or happen, especially for longer than is usual or desirable ▪ persistent rumours ▪ persistent headaches ▪ a persistent problem ▪ persistent rain 2.) continuing to …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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