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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • Phoenizisch-Punische Sprache — Die Sprachbezeichnung Phönizisch steht für die mittelkanaanäischen Dialekte, die im Gebiet des nördlichen Ostmittelmeerraums, vor allem im Gebiet des heutigen Libanon (u. a. Sidon, Tyros, Byblos) und in den phönizischen Kolonien des… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • PHOENICIA, PHOENICIANS — Names (a) The Greek name Phoinike (Phoinix) is first mentioned by Homer, and is subsequently well attested in the writings of Greek historians who consistently refer it to the eastern Mediterranean coast; in Homer, Phoenician is synonymous with… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • SEMITIC LANGUAGES — SEMITIC LANGUAGES, the name given by A.L. Schloezer in 1781 to the language family to which Hebrew belongs because the languages then reckoned among this family (except Canaanite) were spoken by peoples included in Genesis 10:21–29 among the sons …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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