Quartering Act

Quartering Act

Der Quartering Act, zwei Gesetze des britischen Parlaments von 1765 bzw. 1774, zwang die Kolonisten in der amerikanischen Kolonialzeit, britische Soldaten zu beherbergen und zu versorgen.

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  • Quartering Act — ▪ Great Britain [1765]       (1765), in American colonial history, the British parliamentary provision (actually an amendment to the annual Mutiny Act) requiring colonial authorities to provide food, drink, quarters, fuel, and transportation to… …   Universalium

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  • quartering — /kwawr teuhr ing/, n. 1. the act of a person or thing that quarters. 2. the assignment of quarters or lodgings. 3. Heraldry. a. the division of an escutcheon into quarters. b. the marshaling of various coats of arms on an escutcheon. c. any of… …   Universalium

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  • quartering — quar•ter•ing [[t]ˈkwɔr tər ɪŋ[/t]] n. 1) the act of a person or thing that quarters 2) the assignment of quarters or lodgings 3) lying at right angles • Etymology: 1585–95 …   From formal English to slang

  • quartering — /ˈkwɔtərɪŋ/ (say kwawtuhring) noun 1. the act of someone or something that quarters. 2. the assigning of quarters or lodgings. 3. Heraldry a. the division of a shield into (four or more) quarters. b. the marshalling of various coats of arms upon… …  

  • quartering — n. 1 (in pl.) the coats of arms marshalled on a shield to denote the alliances of a family with the heiresses of others. 2 the provision of quarters for soldiers. 3 the act or an instance of dividing, esp. into four equal parts. 4 timber sawn… …   Useful english dictionary

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