sterol — STERÓL, steroli, s.m. (La pl.) Clasă de alcooli având o structură complexă, care se găsesc în alcătuirea multor vieţuitoare şi au un rol important în metabolismul organismului; (şi la sg.) substanţă din această clasă; sterină. – Din fr. stérol.… … Dicționar Român
stérol — [ sterɔl ] n. m. • 1913; du suff. de cholestérol ♦ Biochim. Alcool polycyclique de masse moléculaire élevée, très répandu dans les règnes animal et végétal où il joue un rôle important. ⇒ cholestérol, ergostérol. Adj. STÉROLIQUE . ● stérol nom… … Encyclopédie Universelle
sterol — [stir′ôl΄, ster′ôl΄; stir′ōl΄, ster′ōl΄] n. [< (CHOLE)STEROL] any of a group of solid cyclic unsaturated alcohols, as cholesterol, found in plant and animal tissues … English World dictionary
sterol — ► NOUN Biochemistry ▪ any of a group of naturally occurring unsaturated steroid alcohols, typically waxy solids. ORIGIN independent usage of the ending of words such as CHOLESTEROL(Cf. ↑cholesterol) … English terms dictionary
-sterol — sterol, suffix Biochem. (stərɒl) [f. cholesterol.] A formative element in the names of many sterols, as in ergosterol, phytosterol … Useful english dictionary
Stérol — Noyau de base des stérols Cholestérol, un stérol. Un … Wikipédia en Français
sterol — si·to·sterol; spi·na·sterol; sterol; … English syllables
sterol — /ˈstɛrɒl/ (say sterol) noun any of a group of steroid alcohols derived from plants or animals, as cholesterol and ergosterol. {abstracted from (chole)sterol, (ergo)sterol} …
sterol — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from sterol (as in cholesterol) Date: 1913 any of various solid steroid alcohols (as cholesterol) widely distributed in animal and plant lipids … New Collegiate Dictionary
Sterol — Sterols, or steroid alcohols are a subgroup of steroids with a hydroxyl group at the 3 position of the A ring. [cite journal |author=Fahy E, Subramaniam S, Brown HA, et al |title=A comprehensive classification system for lipids |journal=J. Lipid… … Wikipedia