Store and forward — is a telecommunications technique in which information is sent to an intermediate station where it is kept and sent at a later time to the final destination or to another intermediate station. The intermediate station, or node in a networking… … Wikipedia
store-and-forward — ˌstore and ˈforward noun [uncountable] COMPUTING an electronic system in which email or text message S are stored in one place before they are sent to the person who will receive them: • A common type of store and forward messaging is that used… … Financial and business terms
Store-and-forward switching center — In telecommunication, a store and forward switching center is a message switching center in which a message is accepted from the originating user, i.e., sender, when it is offered, held in a physical storage, and forwarded to the destination user … Wikipedia
store-and-forward — A method that temporarily stores messages at intermediate nodes before forwarding them to the next destination. This technique allows routing over networks that are not available at all times and lets users take advantage of offpeak rates when … Dictionary of networking
store-and-forward — The technique of receiving a message, storing it until the proper outgoing line is available, then retransmitting it, with no direct connection between incoming and outgoing lines. Also called line switching and message switching … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
SWIFTNet InterAct Store and Forward — is a protocol designed and supported by SWIFT. The protocol is used to exchange financial messages between organizations connected to services on to the SWIFTNet network cite web | url= id=2160 | title=SWIFTNet… … Wikipedia
Store And Forward — Teilstrecken Technik, bei der Daten zwischengespeichert und nach weiterer Pfadfindung weitergeleitet werden, bzw. z.B. unter UUCP Vorgehensweise, bei der Kommandos als Datei abgelegt werden, die dann vom Server (uucico) (mit Verzögerung) im… … Acronyms
Store And Forward — Teilstrecken Technik, bei der Daten zwischengespeichert und nach weiterer Pfadfindung weitergeleitet werden, bzw. z.B. unter UUCP Vorgehensweise, bei der Kommandos als Datei abgelegt werden, die dann vom Server (uucico) (mit Verzögerung) im… … Acronyms von A bis Z
store-and-forward — … Useful english dictionary
voice store-and-forward (VSF) system — PBX feature which permits the storage and remote retrieval of messages … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations