Windfall Profits — Huge profits that occur unexpectedly due to fortuitous circumstances. Such profits are generally well above historical norms and may occur due to several factors such as a price spike or supply shortage that are either temporary in nature or may… … Investment dictionary
windfall profits tax — windfall profits tax, = excess profits tax: (Cf. ↑excess profits tax) »Some in Congress now seem to prefer…decontrolling prices but imposing a windfall profits tax on producers (New York Times) … Useful english dictionary
Windfall profits tax — A windfall profits tax is a higher tax rate on profits that ensue from a sudden windfall gain to a particular company or industry. United StatesIn 1980, the United States enacted the Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act (P.L. 96 223) as part of a… … Wikipedia
windfall profits tax — A tax imposed on a business or industry as a result of a sudden increase in the profits of the business. An example includes the tax imposed on oil companies in 1980, due to the windfall profits from the Arab oil embargo … Black's law dictionary
windfall profits — /ˈwɪndfɔl prɒfəts/ (say windfawl profuhts) plural noun profits made unexpectedly as a result of events not directly related to the company, as fluctuations in the currency or on the stock exchange, changes in government policy affecting the… …
windfall profits tax — / wɪndfɔ:l ˌprɒfɪts tæks/, windfall tax / wɪndfɔ:l tæks/ noun a special tax on unexpected profits … Dictionary of banking and finance
windfall tax — noun A tax levied on windfall profits, profits arising, esp suddenly and unexpectedly, as a result of events not directly connected with the company, etc concerned, such as changes in currency exchange rates • • • Main Entry: ↑wind * * * windfall … Useful english dictionary
Windfall gain — A windfall gain (or windfall profit) is any type of income that is unexpected. [cite web| url=http://www.revision| title=Wealth Effect| date=January 1 2003| accessdate=2007 03 09| publisher=RevisionNotes] The… … Wikipedia
Windfall tax — In the United Kingdom, the Windfall Tax was a tax levied on privatised utility companies.In Australia, windfall tax may refer to either: * Commonwealth places windfall tax, imposed under the Commonwealth Places Windfall Tax (Collection) Act 1998… … Wikipedia
windfall tax — An exceptional *taxation charge on *corporations that are deemed by a government to have made *windfall (or excessive) profits owing to unusual circumstances. *Private sector *monopoly suppliers of *public utilities, for example, are subjected to … Auditor's dictionary