Born — steht für: die historische oder historisierend poetische Bezeichnung für einen Brunnen born, eine davon abgeleitete Gewässer und Ortsbezeichnung Born (Familienname), der Familienname Born Born (Berg), ein Berg in der Schweiz Born Feinkost, ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Luxemburg, Rosa — born March 5, 1871, Zamość, Pol., Russian Empire died Jan. 15, 1919, Berlin, Ger. Polish born German political radical, intellectual, and author. As a Jew in Russian controlled Poland, she was drawn early into underground political activism. In… … Universalium
LUXEMBURG, ROSA — (1871–1919), German economist and revolutionary. Born into a family of merchants in Zamosc, Poland, Rosa Luxemburg joined the Polish revolutionary movement as a schoolgirl in Warsaw. As a consequence of the threat of imprisonment she was forced… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Luxemburg — [luk′səm bʉrg΄; ] Ger [ look′səm boork΄] Rosa 1870? 1919; Ger. socialist leader, born in Poland … English World dictionary
Luxemburg, Rosa — (1871–1919) A German revolutionary leader and socialist theorist, Rosa Luxemburg was born in Russian Poland, into a Jewish middle class family. She became involved in revolutionary politics when she was still at school. In 1889, state… … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914
Luxemburg, Rosa — (1871–1919) One of the leading Marxists of the 20th century, Rosa Luxemburg exerted great influence within the socialist movement during her life, and her ideas and political actions have continued to inspire Marxists and shape Marxism long… … Historical dictionary of Marxism
Luxemburg, Rosa — (1870 1919) socialist politician and theorist; the only woman in pre World War I socialist politics to attain a stature comparable to that of Jean Jaurès, Viktor Adler, August Bebel, and Karl Kautsky. She was born in the Polish village of… … Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik
Luxemburg, Rosa — (1871 1919) Though born in Poland, Luxemburg is best known as a leading theorist and political leader in the German working class movement. She vigorously opposed the revisionist current in the German Social Democratic Party, and was imprisoned… … Dictionary of sociology
Born (Belgien) — Freiherr von Korff Brücke, Born Born ist ein in der belgischen Eifel gelegenes Dorf mit circa 750 Einwohnern, das zur Gemeinde Amel und zur Provinz Lüttich gehört. Born liegt im deutschsprachigen Teil des Königreichs Belgien und gehört zur… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Luxemburg — /luk seuhm berrg /; Ger. /look seuhm boorddk /, n. 1. Rosa /roh zeuh/; Ger. /rddoh zah/, ( Red Rosa ), 1870 1919, German socialist agitator, born in Poland. 2. Luxembourg (defs. 1, 2). * * * … Universalium