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  • Stanza — Stan za (st[a^]n z[.a]), n.; pl. {Stanzas} ( z[.a]z). [It. stanza a room, habitation, a stanza, i. e., a stop, fr. L. stans, p. pr. of stare to stand. See {Stand}, and cf. {Estancia}, {Stance}, {Stanchion}.] 1. A number of lines or verses forming …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stanza — • An Italian word signifying room, chamber, apartment. In English the term is chiefly used for Raphael s celebrated Stanze in the Vatican Palace, four in number, the walls of which were frescoed by Raphael and his pupils Catholic Encyclopedia.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • stanza — / stantsa/ (ant. stanzia / stantsja/) s.f. [lat. tardo stantia luogo di dimora ]. 1. (archit.) [ognuno degli spazi interni, limitati e divisi l uno dall altro da pareti, che compongono gli edifici, soprattutto quelli d abitazione e d ufficio: s.… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • stanza — group of rhymed verse lines, 1580s, from It. stanza verse of a poem, originally standing, stopping place, from V.L. *stantia a stanza of verse, so called from the stop at the end of it, from L. stans (gen. stantis), prp. of stare to stand (see… …   Etymology dictionary

  • stanza — ► NOUN ▪ a group of lines forming the basic recurring metrical unit in a poem; a verse. ORIGIN Italian, standing place, stanza …   English terms dictionary

  • stanza — *verse …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • stanza — [stan′zə] n. [It, lit., stopping place, room < VL * stantia: see STANCE] a group of lines of verse forming one of the divisions of a poem or song: it is usually made up of four or more lines and often has a regular pattern in the number of… …   English World dictionary

  • Stanza — Эта статья или раздел нуждается в переработке. Пожалуйста, улучшите статью в соответствии с правилами написания статей. Stanza …   Википедия

  • stanza — 1stàn·za s.f. FO 1a. ciascuno degli ambienti interni di un edificio, spec. per uso di abitazione o di ufficio: una stanza buia, luminosa, ampia; la stanza da letto, da pranzo; affittasi alloggio di cinque stanze, bagno e cucina Sinonimi: 1camera …   Dizionario italiano

  • Stanza — In poetry, a stanza is a unit within a larger poem. In modern poetry, the term is often equivalent with strophe; in popular vocal music, a stanza is typically referred to as a verse (as distinct from the refrain, or chorus ). A stanza consists of …   Wikipedia

  • stanza — stanzaed, adj. stanzaic /stan zay ik/, stanzaical, adj. stanzaically, adv. /stan zeuh/, n. Pros. an arrangement of a certain number of lines, usually four or more, sometimes having a fixed length, meter, or rhyme scheme, forming a division of a… …   Universalium

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