LWOFF (A.) — LWOFF ANDRÉ (1902 1994) Fils d’un médecin d’origine russe, venu en France en 1880, Lwoff mène conjointement des études à la faculté de médecine de Paris (thèse de doctorat en 1927) et à la Sorbonne (docteur ès sciences en 1932). À partir de 1921 … Encyclopédie Universelle
Lwoff — (Lwow), Alexej Fedorowitsch, russ. Violinist und Komponist, geb. 6. Juni 1799 in Reval, 1837 61 Direktor der kaiserl. Hofkirchensängerkapelle, gest. 28. Dez. 1870 auf seinem Landgute Romany bei Kowno; komponierte die russ. Nationalhymne … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Lwoff — André Michael … Scientists
Lwoff's — Lwoff , André Michael … Scientists
Lwoff — Lwoff, André … Enciclopedia Universal
Lwoff — (André) (1902 1994) biologiste français. P. Nobel de médecine 1965, avec J. Monod et F. Jacob … Encyclopédie Universelle
LWOFF, ANDRÉ MICHEL — (1902–1994), French biologist and Nobel Prize winner. Born in the Allier department, France, Lwoff became head of the Microbial Physiology Laboratory of the Pasteur Institute in Paris in 1938. Lwoff s earlier work dealt with the morphology and… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Lwoff, AndréMichel — Lwoff (lwôf), André Michel. 1902 1994. French microbiologist. He shared a 1965 Nobel Prize for the study of regulatory activity in body cells. * * * … Universalium
Lwoff, André — ▪ French biologist in full André Michael Lwoff born May 8, 1902, Ainay le Château, France died Sept. 30, 1994, Paris French biologist who contributed to the understanding of lysogeny, in which a bacterial virus, or bacteriophage, infects… … Universalium
Lwoff , André Michael — (1902–1994) French biologist Born at Ainy le Château in France, Lwoff graduated in natural sciences in 1921 and joined the Pasteur Institute in the same year. He went on to become head of the laboratory in 11929 and from 1938 was head of the… … Scientists