Chorea Huntington

  • 31Huntington chorea — Relatively rare, hereditary neurological disease that is characterized by irregular and involuntary movements of the muscles. Huntington chorea is caused by a genetic mutation that causes degeneration of neurons in a part of the brain that… …


  • 32Chorea — Cho|rea 〈[ko ] f. 10; unz.〉 = Veitstanz [<grch. choreia „Tanz, Reigen“] * * * Cho|rea [ko re:a ], die; [griech. chorei̓a = Tanz]: 1. (im MA.) Tanzlied, Reigen. 2. (Med.) Erkrankung mit Bewegungsstörungen, die auf herabgesetzte Muskelspannung… …


  • 33Huntington — /hun ting teuhn/, n. 1. Collis Potter, 1821 1900, U.S. railroad developer. 2. Samuel, 1731 96, U.S. statesman: governor of Connecticut 1786 96. 3. a city in W West Virginia, on the Ohio River. 63,684. 4. a city in NE Indiana. 16,202. 5. a male… …


  • 34Huntington's disease — noun Etymology: George Huntington died 1916 American physician Date: 1892 a chorea usually beginning in middle age that is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait and progresses to dementia called also Huntington s chorea …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 35Chorea acanthocytosis — Neuroacanthocytosis Classification and external resources OMIM 200150 DiseasesDB 29707 GeneReviews …


  • 36chorea — n. Med. a disorder characterized by jerky involuntary movements affecting esp. the shoulders, hips, and face. Phrases and idioms: Huntington s chorea chorea accompanied by a progressive dementia. Sydenham s chorea chorea esp. in children as one… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 37Huntington disease — ▪ pathology also called  Huntington chorea        a relatively rare, and invariably fatal, hereditary neurological disease that is characterized by irregular and involuntary movements of the muscles and progressive loss of cognitive ability. The… …


  • 38Huntington — I Huntington   [ hʌntɪȖtn], Stadt in West Virginia, USA, am Ohio, auf dem Alleghenyplateau, (1990) 58 800 Einwohner (1950: 86 400 Einwohner); Marshall University (gegründet 1837); Stahl verarbeitende, Glas und Bekleidungsindustrie,… …


  • 39Huntington disease (chorea) sign — Hun·ting·ton disease (chorea), sign (hunґting tən) [George Sumner Huntington, American physician, 1850–1916] see under disease and sign …

    Medical dictionary

  • 40Huntington's chorea — Hun′tington s chore′a n. pat a hereditary chorea, appearing in middle age, characterized by gradual deterioration of the brain and gradual loss of voluntary movement • Etymology: after George S. Huntington (1850–1916), U.S. physician, who… …

    From formal English to slang