Linum usitatissimum

  • 111flax — noun /flæks/ a) A plant of the genus Linum, especially usitatissimum, which has a single, slender stalk, about a foot and a half high, with blue flowers. Also known as linseed, especially when referring to the seeds. b) The fibers of Linum… …


  • 112 Linales — Linum usitatissimum …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 113lin — (lin) s. m. 1°   Plante dont la tige fournit un fil servant à fabriquer des toiles fines et des dentelles, et dont le nom botanique est linum usitatissimum, L. •   Les réfugiés français avaient porté en Irlande et en Écosse la culture du lin et… …

    Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • 114Flax (disambiguation) — Flax may mean or refer to:* Species in the genus Linum , including Flax ( Linum usitatissimum ) * Hemp ( Cannabis sativa ) * Flax (color) * New Zealand flax (unrelated to the Linum sp ) * Open Source enterprise search software based on Xapian …


  • 115Malpighiales — ▪ plant order Introduction   large order of flowering plants that includes 40 families, more than 700 genera, and almost 16,000 species. Many of the families are tropical and poorly known, but well known members of the order include Salicaceae (… …


  • 116lino — 1lì·no s.m. 1. AU pregiata fibra tessile, ricavata dalla pianta omonima | il tessuto che se ne ricava: tovaglia di lino, camicia di lino 2. TS pianta erbacea annua del genere Lino (Linum usitatissimum) con fiori azzurri e foglie… …

    Dizionario italiano

  • 117Faserpflanzen — aufrechtes, rauh kurzhaariges Kraut aus der Familie der Morazeen, mit meist ästigen, bis 2 (auch 6 m) hohem Stengel, unten gegen , oben wechselständigen, langgestielten, gefingerten, 5–7 (selten 9 ) zähligen Blättern, grob gesägten, lanzettlichen …

    Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • 118Linen — is a textile made from the fibers of the flax plant, Linum usitatissimum . Linen is labor intensive to manufacture, but when it is made into garments, it is valued for its exceptional coolness and freshness in hot weather. It is superior to… …


  • 119Ground tissue — Cross section of a flax plant stem: 1. Pith, 2. Protoxylem, 3. Xylem I, 4. Phloem I, 5. Sclerenchyma (bast fibre), 6. Cortex, 7. Epidermis The types of ground tissue found in plants develop from gro …


  • 120List of flax diseases — This article is a list of diseases of flax ( Linum usitatissimum and other Linum spp.).Fungal diseasesReferences* [ Common Names of Diseases, The American Phytopathological Society] …
