Mo (Symbol)

  • 31symbol — I noun abbreviation, badge, clue, connotation, cue, delineation, depiction, emblem, enactment, ensign, exponent, gesture, image, index, indication, manifestation, mark, model, notation, note, picture, portrayal, representation, seal, sign, signal …

    Law dictionary

  • 32Symbol-Editor — Symbol Editor,   Icon Editor …


  • 33Symbol-Spiel — Symbol Spiel,   Spiel …


  • 34symbol — early 15c., creed, summary, religious belief, from L.L. symbolum creed, token, mark, from Gk. symbolon token, watchword (applied c.250 by Cyprian of Carthage to the Apostles Creed, on the notion of the mark that distinguishes Christians from… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 35Symbol — »Sinnbild; Zeichen; Kennzeichen«: Das seit dem 15. Jh. bezeugte Fremdwort ist aus gleichbed. lat. symbolum entlehnt, das seinerseits aus griech. sýmbolon »Kennzeichen, Zeichen« übernommen ist. Das griech. Wort, das zu griech. sym bállein… …

    Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • 36symbol — [n] letter, character, sign of written communication attribute, badge, denotation, design, device, emblem, figure, image, indication, logo, mark, motif, note, numeral, pattern, regalia, representation, stamp, token, type; concept 284 …

    New thesaurus

  • 37Symbol — [Network (Rating 5600 9600)] Auch: • Wahrzeichen • Ikone …

    Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • 38symbol — ► NOUN 1) a thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract. 2) a mark or character used as a conventional representation of something, e.g. a letter standing for a chemical element …

    English terms dictionary

  • 39Symbol rate — In digital communications, symbol rate (also known as baud or modulation rate) is the number of symbol changes (waveform changes or signalling events) made to the transmission medium per second using a digitally modulated signal or a line code.… …


  • 40Symbol — For other uses, see Symbol (disambiguation). Symbology redirects here. For other uses, see Symbology (disambiguation). A symbol is something which represents an idea, a physical entity or a process but is distinct from it. The purpose of a symbol …
