1Slot Together Castle , Саймон Тудхоуп (2014)
Create your very own detailed model castle, complete with siege towers, a drawbridge, a trebuchet and two model armies. Simply press out the sturdy, foamboard pieces, slot together and you 039;re… 759 грн (только Украина)2Pirate Pete. Pop-in-the-Slot Storybook , Sharratt Nick (2011)
A piratical pop-in-the-slot picture book where the reader gets to decide the story!Ahoy there! Pirate Pete is about to set sail on a buccaneering adventure. What will he see in the sky and in the… 1098 руб3Once Upon a Time. A Pop-in-the-Slot Storybook , Sharratt Nick (2011)
Spot all your favourite nursery story characters in this lively rhyming tale! "Nothing much happened round here," says the little boy to his dad at the end of the day. But the pictures tell a… 999 руб4Circularly Polarized Antennas , Qi Luo
This book presents a comprehensive insight into the design techniques for different types of CP antenna elements and arrays In this book, the authors address a broad range of topics on circularly… 10810.32 руб электронная книга5Raganas jāj mēnesi maitāt , Народное творчество
Tuvojoties tumšajam Veļu laikam, apgāds "Jumava" saviem mazajiem un arī lielajiem lasītājiem sagatavojis latviešu tautas teiku un pasaku izlasi "Raganas jāj mēnesi maitāt". Krājumā… 217.58 руб электронная книга6Games for Grammar Practice , Zaorob (2001)
Games for Grammar Practice is a teacher's resource book containing a selection of more than forty games and activities for grammar practice. The activities are designed to promote intensive and… 2881 руб7Boffinology , Pollard Justin (2011)
The history of science is often seen as a story of advancement but nothing could be further from the truth. Science, it is true, has progressed, but rarely in the direction intended and seldom for… 956 руб8Advanced Skills: A Resource Book of Advanced-Level Skills Activities (+ CD) , Simon Haines (2006)
Advanced Skills is a must-have collection of photocopiable activities for advanced level students. Each activity includes one to three photocopiable pages for students and step-by-step teacher's… 3730 руб9Games for Grammar Practice , Maria Lucia Zaorob and Elizabeth Chin (2011)
"Games for Grammar Practice" is a teacher's resource book containing a selection of more than forty games and activities for grammar practice. The activities are designed to promote intensive and… 3039 руб10Games for Vocabulary Practice: Interactive Vocabulary Activities for All Levels , Felicity O'Dell and Katie Head (2003)
"Games for Vocabulary Practice" is a photocopiable teacher's resource book containing a selection of more than 50 games and activities for classroom use. There are 18 units and each is based around a… 2819 руб