1Александр Альперн и Дмитрий Грин, основатели Webinar.ru и COMDI , Максим Спиридонов (2013)
Александр Альперн и Дмитрий Грин о причинах объединения, о том, каким они видят сегмент веб-конференций в… 49 руб аудиокнига можно скачать2Webinars For Dummies , John Carucci
Gather an audience from around the globe with webinars Webinars For Dummies takes the guesswork and uncertainty out of webinar creation. Written by John Carucci under the guidance of webinar… 1625.34 руб электронная книга3The Most Successful Small Business in The World. The Ten Principles , Michael Gerber E.
A unique guide for the crucial start-up phase of a business So much attention goes to business practice and operation, yet the majority of ventures still fail. One area often overlooked is… 1622.74 руб электронная книга4More Jolts! Activities to Wake up and Engage Your Participants , Sivasailam Thiagarajan
Praise for Thiagi's first Jolts!«If you facilitate group learning or change management, you won't want to miss this one!» —Elaine Biech, author of Business of Consulting and Training for Dummies… 4721.87 руб электронная книга