Philostratus — Philostratus, was the name of four Greek sophists of the Roman imperial period:# (c. 150 200) Philostratus I : Very minor author, known only for a dialogue Nero , possibly written by Philostratus II. # (c. 170 247) Philostratus II : son of… … Wikipedia
Philostratus — Philostrătus, Flavius, der Ältere, aus Lemnos, griech. Sophist zu Ende des 2. bis Mitte des 3. Jahrh. n. Chr. in Athen, später in Rom, verfaßte u.a. eine Lebensbeschreibung des Apollonios von Tyana, eine mytholog. Geschichte der Helden des Trojan … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Philostratus — Philostratus, Gelehrtenfamilie auf Lemnos; von P., dem Sohn des Verus, fruchtbarem Dramatiker u. Rhetor, besitzen wir nichts; von seinem Sohne P. Flavius (P. der ältere), gegen Ende des 2. Jahrh. n. Chr., ist eine myth. Geschichte des… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
PHILOSTRATUS° — (b. c. 172 C.E.), a native of the island of Lemnos, he studied rhetoric in Athens and later joined the literary and philosophic circle in Rome of Empress Julia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus. She commissioned him to write a literary life of… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
PHILOSTRATUS — I. PHILOSTRATUS Atheniensis quidam Leno, et cultus in vestitu nimium studiosus. Aristoph. Equit. i. Vide Scholia p. 350. F. II. PHILOSTRATUS huius pater Athenis docuit Neronis, an Vespasiani et Titi tempore: scripsit Panegyricos plures ac… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
PHILOSTRATUS Lemnius — temporbus Severi Imperatoris eiusque uxoris Iuliae, epistolarum magister, ut ipse plane monstrat, in vita Apoillonii Tyanei: scripsit vitas Sophistarum ad Severum, de vita Apollonii libros 8. Iuliae hortatu, praeterea Heroica, quae hodie exstant … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Philostratus, Flavius — ▪ Greek author born AD 170 died c. 245 Greek writer of Roman imperial times who studied at Athens and some time after AD 202 entered the circle of the philosophical Syrian empress of Rome, Julia Domna. On her death he settled in Tyre.… … Universalium
Philostratus the Lemnian — ▪ Greek author born AD 190 ancient Greek writer, son in law of Flavius Philostratus. He was the author of a letter to Aspasius of Ravenna and of the first series of the Imagines in two books, discussing, in elegant and sophisticated prose,… … Universalium
Imagines (work by Philostratus) — Imagines is a work in Ancient Greek now generally attributed to Philostratus III. It ostensibly describes 64 works of art seen by Philostratus in Naples. The entire work is framed in terms of explaining art, its symbols and meaning, to a young… … Wikipedia
ФИЛОСТРАТ — • Philostrătus, Φιλόστρατος, 1. сын Вера, софист в Афинах, жил во 2 в. от Р. X., написал, кроме многих других сочинений, до 43 трагедий и 14 комедий. Из сочинений его не осталось ничего; 2. Флавий Ф., сын предыдущего,… … Реальный словарь классических древностей