- BN350
BN-350 steht für:
- ein Kernkraftwerk, siehe Kernkraftwerk BN-350
- einen bestimmten Reaktortyp, siehe BN-Reaktor
Wikimedia Foundation.
BN-350 steht für:
Wikimedia Foundation.
Timeline of Russian inventions and technology records — The Hall of Space Technology in the Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics, Kaluga, Russia. The exhibition includes the models and replicas of the following Russian inventions: the first satellite, Sputnik 1 (a ball under the… … Wikipedia
Desalination — This article is about removing salt from water. For soil desalination, see Soil salinity control. Water desalination Methods Distillation Multi stage flash distillation (MSF) Multiple effect distillation (MED|ME) Vapor compression (VC) Ion… … Wikipedia
Fast neutron reactor — [ Shevchenko BN350 nuclear fast reactor and desalination plant situated on the shore of the Caspian Sea. The plant generates 135 MWe and provides steam for an associated desalination plant. View of the interior of the reactor hall.] A fast… … Wikipedia
Desalinización — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Planta desalinizadora Shevchenko BN350 en la costa del Mar Caspio La desalinización o desalación es el proceso de eliminar la sal del agua de mar o salobre, obteniendo agua dulce. Las plantas desalinizad … Wikipedia Español