- Baduila
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Baduila — Totila Wikipédia … Wikipédia en Français
Totila — (Baduila) ► (m. 552) Rey de los ostrogodos en Italia en 541 552. Reconquistó las principales ciudades de Italia venciendo a las tropas de Belisario … Enciclopedia Universal
Totila — Totila, auch bekannt unter dem Namen Baduila,[1] († nach 30. Juni 552 bei Taginae, Umbrien) war von 542 bis 552 König der Ostgoten. Er fiel 552 in der Schlacht von Busta Gallorum. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 1.1 Herkunft … Deutsch Wikipedia
Totila — ou Baduila (l « Immortel ») (né à Trévise mort en 552 à Taginae, (auj. Gualdo Tadino), près d Urbino, Ombrie) est un roi ostrogoth d Italie de 541 à 552[1] . Sommaire 1 Biographie … Wikipédia en Français
Тотила — Бадуила (Totila, Baduila) (г. рождения неизвестен умер 552, близ Таганы, современное Гуальдо Тадино), король остготов (См. Остготы) с 541. Возглавил широкое народно освободительное движение в Италии против византийского завоевания.… … Большая советская энциклопедия
Perugia — Infobox CityIT official name = Comune di Perugia img coa = logocomuneperugia.png img coa small = image caption = region = RegioneIT|sigla=UMB province = ProvinciaIT (short form)|sigla=PG (PG) mayor = mayor party = elevation footnotes = elevation… … Wikipedia
Totila — (died Jul 1 552) was king of the Ostrogoths from 541 until his death. He waged the Gothic War against the Byzantine Empire for the mastery of Italy. Most of the historical evidence for Totila consists of chronicles by the Byzantine historian… … Wikipedia
Gualdo Tadino — Infobox CityIT img coa = Gualdo Tadino Stemma.gif official name = Comune di Gualdo Tadino region = Umbria name=Gualdo Tadino mapx=43.2|mapy=12.785| province = Perugia (PG) elevation m = 536 area total km2 = 124 population as of = population total … Wikipedia
Gothic War (535–554) — See Gothic War (376 382) for the war on the Danube. Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Gothic War partof=Justinian s wars of Reconquest caption=Battle between Romans and Goths (equipment is anachronistic) date=535 ndash; 554 place=Italy and… … Wikipedia
Ostrogothic Kingdom — Kingdom of the Ostrogoths ← 493–553 … Wikipedia