Sjöström — is a surname and may refer to: *Victor Sjöström (1879 ndash;1960), Swedish actor, film director and screenwriter *Harri Sjöström (born 1952), Finnish saxophonist *Fredrik Sjöström (born 1983), Swedish ice hockey player *Sarah Sjöström (born 1993) … Wikipedia
SJÖSTRÖM (V.) — SJÖSTRÖM VICTOR (1879 1960) On doit à Charles Magnusson, directeur de la Svenska, d’avoir engagé les deux artistes qui devaient conférer au cinéma suédois ses lettres de noblesse et son label esthétique: Stiller et Sjöström. En passant du théâtre … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sjöström — Sjöström, Víctor … Enciclopedia Universal
Sjöström — (Victor David) (1879 1960) cinéaste suédois; ses films muets opposent l être solitaire aux éléments: en Suède, la Voix des ancêtres (1918), la Charrette fantôme (1920); aux È. U. (sous le nom de Seastrom), la Lettre écarlate (1926), le Vent… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sjöström — [ ʃøːstrœm], Victor, schwedischer Schauspieler, Regisseur und Drehbuchautor, * Silbodal (Verwaltungsbezirk Värmland) 20. 9. 1879, ✝ Stockholm 3. 1. 1960; ab 1912 beim Film; begründete (neben M. Stiller) den Ruf des schwedischen Stummfilms;… … Universal-Lexikon
Sjostrom — This is a Scandanavian surname particulary relative to Finland and Sweden. Scandanavia has long been regarded as amongst the most civilised and democratic of societies, but it is also an area of many small villages and towns, scattered over a… … Surnames reference
Sjöström, Victor — or Victor Seastrom born Sept. 20, 1879, Silbodal, Swed. died Jan. 3, 1960, Stockholm Swedish film actor and director. Trained as a stage actor, he directed and starred in his first movie, The Gardener, in 1912. With notable films such as Ingeborg … Universalium
Sjöström, Victor David — • ШЁСТРЁМ (Sjöström) Виктор Давид (20.9.1879 3.1.1960) швед, режиссёр, актёр. В 1896 1911 играл в т рах Швеции и Финляндии. В 1898 был режиссёром Швед. т ра в Хельсинки. С 1912 выступал в ф. реж. М. Стиллера Вампир , Ребёнок , Когда любовь… … Кино: Энциклопедический словарь
Sjöström, Víctor — ► (1879 1960) Actor y director sueco. Algunas de sus mejores películas son: Los proscritos (1918), La mujer marcada (1926), El viento (1928), etc. En 1937 se dedicó a la labor de actor, siendo su máxima creación el personaje del profesor Borg en… … Enciclopedia Universal
Sjöström — /ˈʃjɜstrɜm/ (say shyerstrerm) noun Victor /ˈviktɔ/ (say veektaw), 1879–1960, Swedish film director and actor …