SZABOLCSI, BENCE — (1899–1973), Hungarian musicologist. Born in Budapest, he was the son of miksa szabolcsi and brother of lajos szabolcsi , and studied at Budapest with Kodály. He was the first to collect the notated relics of old Hungarian music from manuscripts… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
SZABOLCSI, LAJOS — (1889–1943), Hungarian poet, author, and editor. The son of miksa szabolcsi , he was born in Budapest. From the age of 18, he wrote for his father s newspaper, Egyenlőség. In 1915 he succeeded his father as editor in chief and retained the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
SZABOLCSI (Weinstein), MIKSA — (1857–1915), Hungarian author, editor, and journalist. Born in Tura, Szabolcsi studied at yeshivot and spent some time at the Budapest rabbinical seminary. Deciding that he wanted to be a writer, he started working as a journalist. He first… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
СÁБОЛЬЧИ (Szabolcsi) Бенце — (Szabolcsi) Бенце (1899–1973), основоположник совр. венг. музыковедения. Ученик З. Кодая, Г. Аберта. Основал Архив Б. Бартока (1961; реорганизован им в Ин т музыковедения). Проф. Высшей муз. школы в Будапеште (с 1946) … Биографический словарь
Anna Szabolcsi — is a linguist. She was born and educated in Hungary. She has been a research fellow at the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, professor at UCLA, and is currently professor at New York University.… … Wikipedia
Bence Szabolcsi — [ˈbɛntsɛ ˈsɒboltʃi] (* 2. August 1899 in Budapest; † 21. Januar 1973 ebenda) war ein ungarischer Musikwissenschaftler. Leben Szabolcsi studierte an der Franz Liszt Musikakademie in Budapest bei Zoltán Kodály und Philologie an der dortigen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Holiday home Szabolcsi utca-Velence — (Веленце,Венгрия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 2481 Веленце, Венгрия … Каталог отелей
Сабольчи (Szabolcsi) Бенце — (1899—1973), основоположник современного венгерского музыковедения. Ученик З. Кодая, Г. Аберта. Основал Архив Б. Бартока (1961; реорганизован им в Институт музыковедения). Профессор Высшей музыкальной школы в Будапеште (с 1946) … Большой Энциклопедический словарь
Сабольчи Б. — (Szabolcsi) Бенце (2 VIII 1899, Будапешт 21 I 1973, там же) венг. музыковед. Чл. Венг. АН (1955). Изучал композицию под рук. З. Кодая, Л. Вейнера, А. Шиклоша в Высшей муз. школе им. Ф. Листа в Будапеште (1917 21), музыковедение У Г.… … Музыкальная энциклопедия
Music history of Hungary — Little is known about Hungarian music prior to the 11th century, when the first Kings of Hungary were Christianized and Gregorian chant was introduced. During this period a bishop from Venice wrote the first surviving remark about Hungarian folk… … Wikipedia