Vivier-au-court — Pays … Wikipédia en Français
Vivier-au-Court — País … Wikipedia Español
Vivier-au-Court — 49° 44′ 08″ N 4° 49′ 54″ E / 49.7356, 4.8317 … Wikipédia en Français
Vivier-au-Court — Original name in latin Vivier au Court Name in other language Vivier, Vivier au Court State code FR Continent/City Europe/Paris longitude 49.73326 latitude 4.82939 altitude 169 Population 3357 Date 2012 01 18 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Vivier-au-Court — Infobox Commune de France nomcommune=Vivier au Court région=Champagne Ardenne département=Ardennes arrondissement=Charleville Mézières canton=Villers Semeuse insee=08488 cp=08440 maire=André Dutertre mandat=2001 2008 intercomm=Pays Sedanais… … Wikipedia
Vivier — ist der Name mehrerer Gemeinden in Frankreich: Le Vivier, Gemeinde im Département Pyrénées Orientales Vivier au Court, Gemeinde im Département Ardennes Le Vivier sur Mer, Gemeinde im Département Ille et Vilaine Vivier ist der Familienname… … Deutsch Wikipedia
vivier — [ vivje ] n. m. • XIIe; lat. vivarium, de vivus « vivant » ♦ Étang, bassin d eau constamment renouvelée, aménagé pour la conservation, l engraissement et l élevage du poisson, des crustacés. ⇒ alevinier, anguillère, boutique (3o), clayère.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Court of Finances — Court of Accounts in Paris. Under the French monarchy, the Courts of Accounts (in French Chambres des comptes) were sovereign courts specialising in financial affairs. The Court of Accounts in Paris was the oldest and the forerunner of today s… … Wikipedia
Court shoe — Court shoes (British English) or pumps (American English) are shoes with a low cut front and usually without a fastening. However, some have ankle straps. They are usually worn by women, but are still traditional menswear in some formal… … Wikipedia
Roger Vivier — Shoes by Roger Vivier for Christian Dior Roger Vivier (1907–1998) was a French fashion designer who specialized in shoes. His best known creation was the Stiletto heel.[1] Vivier has been called the Fragonard of the shoe and his shoes the Fabergé … Wikipedia