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  • Wetherill Inn — (Kayenta,США) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: 1000 Main Street, Kayenta, AZ …   Каталог отелей

  • Wetherill Park, New South Wales — Infobox Australian Place | type = suburb name = Wetherill Park city = Sydney state = New South Wales caption = lga = City of Fairfield postcode = 2164 est = pop = area = propval = stategov = Smithfield fedgov = Prospect near nw = Prospect near n …   Wikipedia

  • Wetherill — This long established name is of Anglo Saxon origin, and is a locational surname deriving from the place called Wetheral near Carlisle in Cumberland. The placename is recorded as Wetherhala , circa 1100, in the Register of the Priory of Wetherhal …   Surnames reference

  • Richard Wetherill — (1858 1910), a member of a prominent Colorado ranching family, was an amateur explorer in the discovery, research and excavation of sites associated with the Anasazi or Ancient Pueblo peoples. Richard Wetherill is credited with the discovery of… …   Wikipedia

  • George Wetherill — (August 12, 1925 July 19, 2006) was the Director Emeritus, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, DC, USA.George Wetherill benefited from the G.I. Bill to receive four degrees, the Ph. B. (1948), S.B. (1949), S.M …   Wikipedia

  • Fort Wetherill — Infobox nrhp | name =Fort Dumpling Site nrhp type = caption = location= Jamestown, Rhode Island locmapin = Rhode Island area = built =1798 architect= architecture= added = March 16, 1972 governing body = GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION… …   Wikipedia

  • Cody Wetherill — Cody und Kurt Wetherill (* 14. Februar 1986 in Laramie, Wyoming, USA) sind US amerikanische Filmschauspieler. Leben Cody und Kurt Wetherill kamen als eineiige Zwillinge von Jim und Lana Wetherill in Laramie zur Welt. Sie verbrachten mit ihrer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cody und Kurt Wetherill — (* 14. Februar 1986 in Laramie, Wyoming, USA) sind US amerikanische Filmschauspieler. Leben Cody und Kurt Wetherill kamen als eineiige Zwillinge von Jim und Lana Wetherill in Laramie zur Welt. Sie verbrachten mit ihrer älteren Schwester Kari die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kurt Wetherill — Cody und Kurt Wetherill (* 14. Februar 1986 in Laramie, Wyoming, USA) sind US amerikanische Filmschauspieler. Leben Cody und Kurt Wetherill kamen als eineiige Zwillinge von Jim und Lana Wetherill in Laramie zur Welt. Sie verbrachten mit ihrer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 2128 Wetherill — Infobox Planet minorplanet = yes width = 25em bgcolour = #FFFFC0 apsis = name = Wetherill symbol = caption = discovery = yes discovery ref = discoverer = E. F. Helin discovery site = Palomar Observatory discovered = September 26, 1973… …   Wikipedia

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