

Cadell ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

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  • Cadell — may refer to: * Cadell, South Australia * Cadell Training CentrePeople with the surname Cadell* Francis Cadell (artist) * Francis Cadell (explorer) * Jean Cadell (1884 – 1967), Scottish actress * Meryn Cadell, Canadian singer * Simon Cadell (1950 …   Wikipedia

  • Cadell — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Se conoce como Cadell, a un integrante de una facción político civil militar catalana surgida en el siglo XVI formada por bandoleros con apoyo de obispos y población urbana, que representaba a la mitad de la clase… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Cadell — m Welsh: from an Old Welsh personal name composed of the elements cad battle + the diminutive suffix ell …   First names dictionary

  • Cadell — /kəˈdɛl/ (say kuh del) noun Francis, 1822–79, Scottish born Australian navigator, shipowner and merchant. The son of a Scottish shipbuilder, Francis Cadell arrived in Adelaide in 1852 after various seagoing expeditions. He made the first steam… …  

  • Cadell ap Rhodri — (mort en 909) roi de Seisyllwg de 877 à 909 et ensuite de Powys. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Postérité 3 Sources 4 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cadell Ddyrnllwg — Cadell ap Cadeyrn (430?  ?) ou Catullus en anglais et en latin, également surnommé Cadell Ddyrnllwg (au Pommeau Rutilant) était un roi de Powys (est du Pays de Galles). Il régna vers le milieu du Ve siècle. Cadell était le fils de Cadeyrn le …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cadell ap Gruffydd — (died 1175) was prince of the kingdom of Deheubarth in south west Wales.Cadell was the son of Gruffydd ap Rhys, who held part of the kingdom of Deheubarth with the remainder in the hands of various Norman lords. Gruffydd died in 1137 and Cadell s …   Wikipedia

  • Cadell Training Centre — is an Australian prison located in Cadell, South Australia, approximately 180 km north east of Adelaide and 10 km from the town of Morgan. The prison is a publicly run institution and has a capacity of 140 inmates. The centre lists its main… …   Wikipedia

  • Cadell On The Murray Motel — (Echuca Moama,Австралия) Категория отеля: 3,5 звезд Адрес: Perricoota Rd, Moama, 27 …   Каталог отелей

  • Cadell ap Rhodri — (854 ndash;909) was the son of Rhodri Mawr ( the Great ). He inherited the kingdom of Seisyllwg from his father in 878, and passed it to his son, Hywel Dda ( the Good ), on his death in 909. Cadell and Hywel had previously conquered Dyfed in… …   Wikipedia

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