- Book Stacks Unlimited
Book Stacks Unlimited war der erste Onlinebuchladen. Er ging 1992 (also zwei Jahre vor Jeff Bezos Amazon.com) online und wurde von Charles M. Stack gegründet.
Der Shop startete als Dial-up Bulletin Board in Cleveland, Ohio und war später im Web unter Books.com online erreichbar, wo er eine halbe Million Besucher pro Monat erreichte. Der Buchbestand umfasste 500.000 Titel.
Zitate von Charles M. Stack
- "I've always read a lot, so that was the germ of the idea. I'll pick a subject and read every book ever published on it. That's hard to do if you shop at a walk-in bookstore. Even the superstores don't have more than a couple of titles per topic. My dream was to have a bookstore that had every book ever published to feed my own habit."
- "Anyone with an Internet account can now connect to Book Stacks for free from anywhere in the world..."
Kategorie:- Online-Buchhandlung
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