Calippus — may refer to:* Calippus of Syracuse, a student of Plato and Syracusean tyrant. * Callippus, a Greek astronomer and mathematician. * Calippus (crater), a small lunar crater. * Calippus , an evolutionary ancestor of the modern horse … Wikipedia
CALIPPUS — Mathematicus Cyzicenus, videns se exacte satis Annos Solares cum Lunaribus conciliare non posse, errore etiam in Methonis calculô observatô, periodum excogitavit, continentem 4. cyclos Methonicos, quorum cuihibet 19. ann. attribnit, i. e. 76.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Calippus of Syracuse — Calippus was a tyrant of Syracuse who ruled briefly for thirteen months [Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, p. 574] from 354 to 352 BC. He was a native Athenian, who traveled with Dion to Sicily to capture Syracuse,… … Wikipedia
Calippus (Mondkrater) — Eigenschaften Breite 38,9° N Länge 10,7° O Durchmesser 32 km Tiefe 2,7 km Selenografische Länge 350° bei Sonnenaufgang Benannt nach Calippus … Deutsch Wikipedia
Calippus (crater) — lunar crater data caption=Location of Calippus. latitude=38.9 N or S=N longitude=10.7 E or W=E diameter=32 km depth=2.7 km colong=350 eponym=CallippusCalippus is a small lunar crater that is located on the eastern edge of the rugged Montes… … Wikipedia
Calippus — /keuh lip euhs/, n. Callippus. * * * … Universalium
calippus — ca·lip·pus … English syllables
calippus — kəˈlipəs noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, irregular from cali + hippus : a genus of dwarf horses of the Pliocene of No. America prob. not directly ancestral to modern horses * * * /keuh lip euhs/, n. Callippus … Useful english dictionary
Callippus — or Calippus (Greek: Κάλλιπος; ca. 370 BC ndash;ca. 300 BC) was a Greek astronomer and mathematician.He was born at Cyzicus, and studied under Eudoxus of Cnidus at the Academy of Plato. He also worked with Aristotle at the Lyceum, which means that … Wikipedia
Callippus — Kallippos oder Kallipos, Kalippos beziehungsweise latinisiert Callippus ist der Name mehrerer antiker griechischer Personen: Kallippos (Athen), auch Kalippos (um 390–352 v. Chr), Schülers Platons, Tyrann von Syrakus Kallipos (Dichter), ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia