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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • conch — conch·er; conch·if·er·ous; conch·i·form; dis·so·conch; hyp·si·conch; meso·conch; pro·to·conch; pseu·do·conch; tri·conch; …   English syllables

  • Conch — (k[o^][ng]k), n. [L. concha, Gr. ko gchh. See {Coach}, n.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A name applied to various marine univalve shells; esp. to those of the genus {Strombus}, which are of large size. {Strombus gigas} is the large pink West Indian conch. The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • conch. — «konch, kongk», noun, plural conch|es «KON chihz», conchs «kongks». 1. a large spiral sea shell. 2. any one of several mollusks of tropical waters with such a shell. 3. the shell which Triton used as a trumpet. 4. Also …   Useful english dictionary

  • conch — käŋk, känch, kȯŋk n, pl conchs käŋks, kȯŋks or conch·es kän chəz CONCHA (1) …   Medical dictionary

  • conch — [ kaŋk, kantʃ ] noun count the large curved shell of an ocean creature that is also called a conch …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • conch- — pref. Variant of concho . * * * …   Universalium

  • conch — [kɔntʃ, kɔŋk US ka:ntʃ, ka:ŋk] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: concha mussel , from Greek konche] the large twisted shell of a tropical sea animal that looks like a ↑snail …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • conch — type of shell, early 15c., from L. concha shellfish, mollusk, from Gk. konkhe mussel, shell, from PIE root *konkho . The name for natives of Florida Keys since at least 1833; the prefered pronunciation there ( kongk ) preserves the classical one …   Etymology dictionary

  • conch — ► NOUN (pl. conchs or conches) ▪ a tropical marine mollusc with a spiral shell. ORIGIN Greek konkh mussel, cockle, or shell like cavity …   English terms dictionary

  • conch — [käŋk, känch] n. pl. conchs [käŋks] or conches [kän′chiz] [ME conke < L concha < Gr konchē, mussel, shell < IE base * konkho > Sans śankhá , mussel] 1. a) the large, spiral, univalve shell of any of various marine mollusks b) such a… …   English World dictionary

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