

Ichabod ist der Vorname folgender Personen:

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  • Ichabod — (אִיכָבוֹד meaning inglorious in Hebrew) is named by the Books of Samuel as the brother of Ahitub [bible|1 Samuel 14:2 3] . Ichabod is also identified by the Books of Samuel as having been the son of Phinehas, and as having been born on the day… …   Wikipedia

  • ICHABOD — (Heb. אִיכָבוֹד ,אִי־כָבוֹד ,אִי כָבוֹד), son of phinehas and grandson of eli the priest at Shiloh (I Sam. 4:19–22). Phinehas wife was in labor when she received news of the capture of the Ark by the Philistines at Eben Ezer and of the deaths of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • ICHABOD — fil. Phinees filii Heli Sacerdotis. 1 Sam. c. 4. v. 21. Lat. uhi gloria? …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Ichabod — [ik′ə bäd΄] n. [Heb Ī khābhōdh, lit., according to pop. etym., inglorious: orig. meaning uncert.] a masculine name …   English World dictionary

  • Ichabod — 1. noun /ˈɪkəbɒd/ A male given name. 2. interjection /ˈɪkəbɒd/ Expressing regret at a loss of former glory or high standards. Ichabod; is the glory departing from us? Under the sun is nothing baser, by all accounts and evidences, than the system… …   Wiktionary

  • Ichabod —    When the tidings of the disastrous defeat of the Israelites in the battle against the Philistines near to Mizpeh were carried to Shiloh, the wife of Phinehas was near to be delivered. And when she heard the tidings that the ark of God was… …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • Ichabod — (fl. 11th cent BCE)    Israelite, son of Phinehas and grandson of Eli. Phinehas wife was in labour when news reached her of the capture of the Ark by the Philistines and the death of Phinehas, his brother Hophni and Eli. She died in childbirth… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Ichabod — The name chosen by Eli s daughter in law for her son as she died in childbirth on hearing of the capture of the Ark [[➝ ark]] of God (1 Sam. 4:21). Ichabod is Hebrew for ‘the glory has departed’ …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • ichabod — ˈikəˌbäd interjection Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Hebrew ī khābhōdh inglorious used to express regret for departed glory a refreshingly cheerful note in the thundering chorus whose burden is “Ichabod” G.W.Johnson …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ichabod Crane — is a fictional character in Washington Irving s short story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow , first published in 1820. According to a notation by Irving, the character of Ichabod Crane was based on a schoolteacher named Jesse Merwin, whom Irving… …   Wikipedia

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