abomination — [ abɔminasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIIe; lat. ecclés. abominatio 1 ♦ Littér. Horreur inspirée par ce qui est impie. « Cette ville profane est en abomination à notre saint prophète » (Montesquieu). Avoir qqn, qqch. en abomination, en horreur. J ai le… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Abomination — may refer to:*Abomination (Bible), covering Biblical references *Abomination, a Vampire/Werewolf hybrid from the game *Abomination (Dune), from Frank Herbert s Dune series, a fetus who has become conscious before birth *Abomination (Dungeons… … Wikipedia
abomination — 1 abhorrence, detestation, loathing, hatred, hate (see under HATE vb) Analogous words: scorn, despite, contempt, disdain (see under DESPISE): execration, objurgation (see corresponding verbs at EXECRATE) Antonyms: esteem: enjoyment Contrasted… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
abomination — Abomination. subst. f. Détestation, execration. Avoir en abomination. il est en abomination à tous les gens de bien. Il sign. aussi, La chose ou la personne abominable. Ce crime est une des grandes abominations, qu on se puisse imaginer.… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
abomination — (n.) early 14c., abominable thing or action; late 14c., feeling of disgust, hatred, loathing, from O.Fr. abominacion abomination, horror, repugnance, disgust (13c.), from L. abominationem (nom. abominatio) abomination, noun of action from pp.… … Etymology dictionary
Abomination — A*bom i*na tion, n. [OE. abominacioun, cion, F. abominatio. See {Abominate}.] 1. The feeling of extreme disgust and hatred; abhorrence; detestation; loathing; as, he holds tobacco in abomination. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is abominable;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
abomination — [n1] object of extreme dislike, hate anathema, aversion, bother, curse, detestation, evil, horror, nuisance, plague, shame, torment; concepts 29,666 Ant. beauty, blessing, delight, enjoyment, esteem, joy, love, treat abomination [n2] wrongdoing… … New thesaurus
abomination — index alienation (estrangement), atrocity, bad repute, contaminate, contempt (disdain), defilement … Law dictionary
abomination — Abomination, f. acut. Abominatio, Auersatio, Detestatio … Thresor de la langue françoyse
abomination — ► NOUN 1) an object of disgust or hatred. 2) a feeling of hatred … English terms dictionary