- Chlorophyl
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Zu diesem Stichwort gibt es keinen Artikel. Möglicherweise ist „Chlorophyll“ gemeint. |
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chlorophyl — Chlorophyll Chlo ro*phyll, n. [Gr. chlwro s light green + fy llon leaf: cf. F. chlorophylle.] 1. (Bot.) Literally, leaf green; a green granular matter formed in the cells of the leaves (and other parts exposed to light) of plants, to which they… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chlorophyl — chlorofilas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Žaliasis augalų pigmentas, sugeriantis šviesos energiją, kuri naudojama fotosintezei. atitikmenys: angl. chlorophyl; chlorophyll vok. Blattgrün, n; Chlorophyll, n rus. хлорофилл, m … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
chlorophyl — noun any of a group of green pigments found in photosynthetic organisms; there are four naturally occurring forms • Syn: ↑chlorophyll • Derivationally related forms: ↑chlorophyllous (for: ↑chlorophyll) • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
chlorophyl — chlo·ro·phyl … English syllables
Obsello Absenta — A bottle of Obsello, produced in Spain and bottled at 50% ABV. At right is a louched glass. Obsello Absinthe Verte, or simply Obsello is a brand of absenta (Spanish absinthe). Obsello is an award winning Verte or green absinthe that is… … Wikipedia
From the Edge — Infobox Album Name = From The Edge Type = remix Artist = Muslimgauze Released = Recorded = Genre = Length = Label = Producer = Reviews = Last album = This album = Next album = From The Edge refers to a 12 vinyl remix EP and a remix CD of… … Wikipedia
C55H72N4O5Mg — Chlorophyll Chlo ro*phyll, n. [Gr. chlwro s light green + fy llon leaf: cf. F. chlorophylle.] 1. (Bot.) Literally, leaf green; a green granular matter formed in the cells of the leaves (and other parts exposed to light) of plants, to which they… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chlorophyll — Chlo ro*phyll, n. [Gr. chlwro s light green + fy llon leaf: cf. F. chlorophylle.] 1. (Bot.) Literally, leaf green; a green granular matter formed in the cells of the leaves (and other parts exposed to light) of plants, to which they owe their… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chlorophyll a — Chlorophyll Chlo ro*phyll, n. [Gr. chlwro s light green + fy llon leaf: cf. F. chlorophylle.] 1. (Bot.) Literally, leaf green; a green granular matter formed in the cells of the leaves (and other parts exposed to light) of plants, to which they… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chlorophyll a — Chlorophyll Chlo ro*phyll, n. [Gr. chlwro s light green + fy llon leaf: cf. F. chlorophylle.] 1. (Bot.) Literally, leaf green; a green granular matter formed in the cells of the leaves (and other parts exposed to light) of plants, to which they… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English