Tribe of Gypsies — Datos generales Nacimiento 1996 Origen … Wikipedia Español
King of the Gypsies — For the 1978 movie with the same title, see King of the Gypsies (film). The title King of the Gypsies has been claimed or given over the centuries to many different people. It is both culturally and geographically specific. It may be inherited,… … Wikipedia
Bibliography — I. INTRODUCTION The bibliography is arranged by classes and subclasses. With very few exceptions, only works published after 1945 have been included. For historical works, one should consult George Black s A Gypsy Bibliography (Edinburgh:… … Historical dictionary of the Gypsies
Kirk Yetholm — Village near Kelso, Scotland. In 1695 a Gypsy named Young saved the life of Capt. David Bennet at the Siege of Namur. In a gesture of generosity, the grateful officer gave some cottages to the Gypsies in Yetholm. The twin villages of Yetholm… … Historical dictionary of the Gypsies
Banjara — A tribe found throughout India who live a similar life to that of the nomadic Gypsies of Europe. They are also known as Lambadi or Gor. Their language which belongs to the northwestern family of Indian languages is called Gor Boli. In 1953 the … Historical dictionary of the Gypsies
Clan — This term is used in this dictionary in preference to tribe as a collective noun for groupings of Gypsies sharing a common cultural and linguistic heritage. These include the Sinti, who do not use the word Rom as a self ascription, as well as… … Historical dictionary of the Gypsies
India — It would take a volume on its own to look at tribes and castes in India and Pakistan who might be related to the Romanies of Europe and the Doma (Nawwar) of the Middle East. We would need to consider all the groups of industrial nomads who… … Historical dictionary of the Gypsies
Cortés, Joaquín — (1969 ) Cordoba, Spain. Dancer and choreographer. His passion for dance was inspired by his uncle, Cristobel Reyes, who performed flamenco in local bars and persuaded his nephew to study ballet. His grandfather was the flamenco singer Antonio… … Historical dictionary of the Gypsies
Kenites — A tribe of nomadic smiths in biblical times living in Judah who appear on a map in at least one book in circulation. They are, however, unrelated to the Romany Gypsies … Historical dictionary of the Gypsies
Vaghri — It has been suggested that, at the same time as the ancestors of the European Gypsies moved west from India, a small group of nomads, the Narikuravar or Vaghri, migrated south. The Vaghri speak a North Indian language and their traditional… … Historical dictionary of the Gypsies