- Clar
CL-AR steht für:
- Región de la Araucanía, ISO-3166-2-Code der chilenischen Region
Clar ist der Familienname von:- Erich Clar (1902–1987), deutscher Chemiker
Wikimedia Foundation.
CL-AR steht für:
Clar ist der Familienname von:
Wikimedia Foundation.
clar — clar; clar·a·bel·la; clar·ain; clar·ence; clar·en·ceux; clar·et; clar·ety; clar·i·as; clar·i·bel; clar·i·fi·a·ble; clar·i·fi·ca·tion; clar·i·fi·er; clar·i·fy; clar·i·net; clar·i·net·ist; clar·i·ty; clar·sach; cy·clar; de·clar·able; de·clar·ant;… … English syllables
clar — CLAR, Ă, clari, e, adj. 1. (Despre imagini vizuale) Care se distinge bine, desluşit; vizibil; (despre ape) limpede; (despre surse de lumină) care împrăştie o lumină limpede, strălucitoare. ♢ (Substantivat, n.) Clar de lună = lumină strălucitoare… … Dicționar Român
clar´i|fi´er — clar|i|fy «KLAR uh fy», verb, fied, fying. –v.t. 1. to make clearer; explain: »The teacher s explanation clarified the difficult instructions, SYNONYM(S): elucidate. 2. to make clear; purify: »The cook clarified the fat by heating it with a… … Useful english dictionary
clar|i|fy — «KLAR uh fy», verb, fied, fying. –v.t. 1. to make clearer; explain: »The teacher s explanation clarified the difficult instructions, SYNONYM(S): elucidate. 2. to make clear; purify: »The cook clarified the fat by heating it with a little water… … Useful english dictionary
clar|y — «KLAR ee», noun, plural clar|ies. 1. a salvia or sage of southern Europe. 2. any one of several closely related plants. ╂[< Middle French eclarie, or < Latin sclareia a kind of sage] … Useful english dictionary
clar — Mot Monosíl·lab Adverbi … Diccionari Català-Català
clar. — clar. abbr. clarinetto … Dizionario italiano
Clar — Surtout porté dans les Pyrénées Orientales, c est un nom de baptême, équivalent du français Clair (voir ce nom) … Noms de famille
clar|et — «KLAR uht», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a kind of red wine, especially the light, dry red wine made in Bordeaux, France; red Bordeaux. 2. Also, claret red. a dark purplish red. 3. Slang. blood. –adj. dark purplish red: »a claret coat … Useful english dictionary
clar|i|on — «KLAR ee uhn», adjective, noun, verb. –adj. clear and shrill: »the clarion sound of the trumpet. –n. 1. a trumpet with clear, shrill tones. It was formerly much used as a signal in war: »Sound, sound the clarion (Scott). 2. a) the sound made by… … Useful english dictionary
clar|i|ty — «KLAR uh tee», noun. clearness; »His writing has great clarity of style. ╂[< Latin clāritās clearness < clārus clear] … Useful english dictionary