- Computer Aided Planning
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Zu diesem Stichwort gibt es keinen Artikel. Möglicherweise ist „computer-aided planning“ gemeint. |
Wikimedia Foundation.
Computer-Aided Planning — [dt. »computergestützte Planung«] (Computer Assisted Planning), CAP … Universal-Lexikon
Computer-aided planning — CAP auch CAPP[1] (von engl. computer aided process planning, dt. computergestützte Arbeitsplanung) baut auf konventionell oder mit CAD erstellten Konstruktionsdaten auf, um Daten für die Teilefertigungs und Montageanweisungen zu erzeugen. CAP ist … Deutsch Wikipedia
Computer-Assisted Planning — [dt. »computergestützte Planung«] (Computer Aided Planning), CAP … Universal-Lexikon
Computer Aided Planning — ⇡ CAP … Lexikon der Economics
Computer-aided engineering — Nonlinear static analysis of a 3D structure subjected to plastic deformations Computer aided engineering (CAE) is the broad usage of computer software to aid in engineering tasks.[1][2] … Wikipedia
Computer-aided process planning — (CAPP) is the use of computer technology to aid in the process planning of a part or product, in manufacturing. CAPP is the link between CAD and CAM in that it provides for the planning of the process to be used in producing a designed part. [1]… … Wikipedia
Computer-aided — or computer assisted is a prefix that hints to the use of a computer as an indispensable tool in a certain field, usually derived from more traditional fields of science and engineering. Instead of the prefix computer aided or computer assisted,… … Wikipedia
Computer-aided maintenance — (not to be confused with CAM which usually stands for Computer Aided Manufacturing) refers to systems that utilize software to organize planning, scheduling and support of maintenance and repair. A common application of such systems is the… … Wikipedia
Computer-aided lean management — Computer aided lean management, in business management, is a methodology of developing and using software controlled, lean systems integration. Its goal is to drive innovation towards cost and cycle time savings. It attempts to create an… … Wikipedia
Computer Aided Facility Management — (CAFM) bzw. rechnergestütztes Anlagenmanagement ist die Unterstützung des Facility Managements durch die Informationstechnik in Form eines Computerprogramms, welches aus einer Datenbank und einer Anwenderoberfläche besteht. Dabei stehen die… … Deutsch Wikipedia