acidophil — [zu griechisch phileĩn »lieben«], säureliebend. In der Botanik werden Pflanzen, die bevorzugt auf sauren (kalkarmen) Böden wachsen, als acidophil bezeichnet. Hierzu gehören u. a. Torfmoos, Sauergräser, Heidekraut. In der Mikrobiologie… … Universal-Lexikon
acidophil — [ə sid′ə fil] n. [ ACID + O + PHIL] 1. a cell, substance, or tissue easily stained by acid dyes, as any of the alpha cells in the anterior pituitary 2. an organism that has an affinity for and grows well in an acid environment: also acidophile [ə … English World dictionary
acidophil — also acidophile noun Date: circa 1900 a substance, tissue, or organism that stains readily with acid stains • acidophil also acidophile adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
acidophil — acid·o·phil ə sid ə .fil, a also acid·o·phile .fīl adj ACIDOPHILIC (1) acidophil also acidophile n a substance, tissue, or organism that stains readily with acid stains called also oxyphile * * * (acidophilic) … Medical dictionary
acidophil — adj. [L. acere, to be sour; Gr. philein, to love] Growing in an acid media; see oxyphilic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
acidophil — /euh sid euh fil, as i deuh /, adj. 1. Biol., Ecol. acidophilic. n. 2. Biol. an acidophilic cell, tissue, organism, or substance; eosinophil. Also, acidophile /euh sid euh fuyl , as i deuh /. [1895 1900; ACID + O + PHIL] * * * … Universalium
acidophil — noun Less common term for an eosinophil … Wiktionary
acidophil — acido|phi̱l, in fachspr. Fügungen: acido̱|philus,, ...lum [↑Acidum u. gr. ϕιλος = lieb; Freund]: mit sauren Farbstoffen färbbar (von Zellen und Geweben) … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
acidophil — aci|do|phil <zu ↑...phil>: 1. sauren Boden bevorzugend (von Pflanzen). 2. mit sauren Farbstoffen färbbar … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
acidophil — n. (Biology) cell or tissue which is easily stained with an acid dye; organism which grows well in an acid environment (also acidophile) adj. (Biology) readily absorbs acid dyes; grows well in an acid environment … English contemporary dictionary