Giraldi — is a surname, and may refer to: *Giovanni Battista Giraldi, an Italian novelist and poet. *Philip Giraldi, a former CIA agent. *Giglio Gregorio Giraldi, an Italian scholar and poet.surname … Wikipedia
GIRALDI (G.) — GIRALDI GIAMBATTISTA, dit CINZIO ou CINTIO (1504 1573) D’une famille noble d’origine florentine passée de Milan à Ferrare. Il perd ses parents lors de la peste de 1528 mais trouve assistance auprès de son oncle, Lilio Gregorio Giraldi, poète au… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Giraldi — (spr. Dschiraldi), 1) Gregorio, geb. 1479 in Ferrara; Protonotarius apostolicus, st. 1552. Er erfand die Zahlen der Epakten, verbesserte den Kalender u. schr.: Hist. deorum gentilium; Hist. poetarum graec. et rom.; Hist. poetarum sui temporis; De … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Giraldi — (spr. dschi ), Giovambattista, der sich den Beinamen Cintio (lat. Geraldus Cinthius) gab, ital. Dichter und Literat, geb. 1504 in Ferrara, starb daselbst 30. Dez. 1573 als Professor der Philosophie und Rhetorik. 1547 ernannte ihn Herzog Herkules… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Giraldi — Girạldi [dʒi ], Giambattista, genannt Cinzio [ tʃintsio], Cintio [ tʃintio] oder Cinthio [ tʃintio], italienischer Dichter, * Ferrara 1504, ✝ ebenda 30. 12. 1573; Professor für Philosophie und Rhetorik in Ferrara; schrieb in Anlehnung an… … Universal-Lexikon
Giraldi, Giovanni Battista — • Italian dramatist and novelist; b. at Ferrara, Italy, 1504; d. there, 1573 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Giraldi, Ubaldo — • An Italian canonist; b. in 1692; d. in 1775 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
GIRALDI CINTHIO, Giambattista — (1504 1573) Giambattista Giraldi was a prolific and influential Italian author noted for a collection of short prose tales, nine tragedies, and numerous works of literary criticism. In keeping with a tradition in academic circles, Giraldi adopted … Renaissance and Reformation 1500-1620: A Biographical Dictionary
Giraldi, Giambattista — ▪ Italian poet and dramatist also called Cynthius, Italian Cinzio, or Cinthio born 1504, Ferrara [Italy] died Dec. 30, 1573, Ferrara Italian poet and dramatist who wrote the first modern tragedy on classical principles to appear on the… … Universalium
Bob Giraldi — (born January 17, 1939) is a film and television director who is probably best known for directing the video for Michael Jackson s song Beat It. Giraldi was born in Paterson, New Jersey, to a working class Italian American family. He attended… … Wikipedia