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  • Inbal — ist ein hebräisches Wort für Glockenklöppel. Es ist der Nachname folgender Personen: Eliahu Inbal (* 1936), israelischer Dirigent INBAL ist die Abkürzung für: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura, Mexiko …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Inbal Hotel Jerusalem (Jerusalem) — Inbal Hotel Jerusalem country: Israel, city: Jerusalem (Liberty Bell Park) Inbal Hotel Jerusalem Located in the heart of the city, the Inbal Jerusalem is just 15 minutes away from the old city and public transport. Situated opposite to the… …   International hotels

  • INBAL DANCE THEATER — (inbal – Heb. clapper of a bell), Israel dance company based mainly on Yemenite traditions. It was founded in 1949 by sara levi tannai , who became the company s choreographer and artistic director, and Ovadia Tuvia, its musical director. Its… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Inbal Pezaro — ( he. ענבל פיזרו) is an Israeli paralympic champion.Pezaro was born in 1987 in Kibbutz Yizrael. At birth she suffered from a complex with blood vessels at her spinal cord, which caused her to become crippled in her lower limbs. At the age of five …   Wikipedia

  • Inbal Jerusalem Hotel — (Иерусалим,Израиль) Категория отеля: 5 звездочный отель Адрес: Jabotinsky Stre …   Каталог отелей

  • Inbal Schwartz — (( he. ענבל שוורץ, (born October 13, 1984) is an Israeli paralympic swimmer.Schwartz, suffering from cerebral palsy, began practicing disabled sports at the Israel Sports Center for the Disabled at a young age. By the age of 15 she was competing… …   Wikipedia

  • INBAL, ELIAHU — (1936– ), Israeli conductor. Born in Jerusalem, Inbal studied in Jerusalem with paul ben haim , at Celibidache s conducting classes in Hilversum, and at the Paris Conservatoire. In 1963, he won the International Guido Cantelli Competition. He… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Inbal Perlmutter — (born in Rehovot, January 15, 1971 died October 1, 1997) was an Israeli composer, musician, singer and lyricist, and a founding member of the band Ha Mechashefot ( The Witches ).Perlmutter s music was influential to the Israeli music of the 1990s …   Wikipedia

  • Inbal Perlmuter — (January 15 1971 October 1 1997) was an Israeli singer, guitarist, composer and poet. Perlmuter was the lead singer and guitarist in the band HaMechashefot (המכשפות) The Witches.The Rehovot born Perlmuter is considered to have been one of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Inbal Segev — is a world renowned cellist who grew up in Israel. Ms. Segev began her studies in Israel at the age of five. With the recommendation of Isaac Stern, she came to the United States to continue her studies at the age of 16. She debuted with the… …   Wikipedia

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