Jellicoe — may refer to:* Earl Jellicoe, a general description of that Earldom within the Peerage of the United Kingdom, and associated subsidiary peerages. * John Jellicoe, 1st Earl Jellicoe (1859 ndash;1935), Royal Navy, Admiral of the Fleet. * George… … Wikipedia
Jellicoe — [ dʒelɪkəʊ], 1) John Rushworth, 1. Earl (seit 1925), Viscount (seit 1918) Jellicoe of Scapa [ ɔf skæpə], britischer Admiral, * Southampton 5. 12. 1859, ✝ London 20. 11. 1935; im Ersten Weltkrieg 1914 16 Oberbefehlshaber der Großen Flotte… … Universal-Lexikon
Jellicoe — [jel′i kō΄] John Rushworth [rush′wʉrth΄] 1st Earl Jellicoe 1859 1935; Eng. admiral … English World dictionary
Jellicoe — Jellicoe, Ann … Enciclopedia Universal
Jellicoe — biographical name 1st Earl 1859 1935 John Rushworth Jellicoe British admiral … New Collegiate Dictionary
Jellicoe Channel — Verbindet Gewässer Hauraki Gulf mit Gewässer Pazifischer Ozean Trennt Landmasse Little Barrier Island von Landmasse Cape Rodney (Nordinsel) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Jellicoe, John Rushworth Jellicoe, 1er conde — (5 dic. 1859, Southampton, Hampshire, Inglaterra–20 nov. 1935, Londres). Almirante británico. Ingresó a la Real Armada en 1872 y ascendió hasta convertirse en comandante de la flota durante la primera guerra mundial (1914–16). Obtuvo una victoria … Enciclopedia Universal
Jellicoe, John Rushworth Jellicoe, 1st Earl, Viscount Jellicoe of Scapa, Viscount Brocas of Southampton — ▪ British admiral born December 5, 1859, Southampton, Hampshire, England died November 20, 1935, Kensington, London British admiral of the fleet who commanded at the crucial Battle of Jutland (Jutland, Battle of) (May 31, 1916) during World … Universalium
Jellicoe, John Rushworth — (1859–1935) British naval officer and commander of the Grand Fleet at the Battle of Jutland in 1916. Small in stature but academically brilliant, Jellicoe joined the Royal Navy as a cadet in 1872 and rapidly climbed the officer ranks. He… … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914
Jellicoe, Sir Geoffrey Alan — ▪ 1997 British landscape architect (b. Oct. 8, 1900, London, Eng. d. July 17, 1996, Seaton, Devon, Eng.), considered landscape design the mother of all arts and for seven decades was one of its greatest practitioners. Such projects as the… … Universalium