Lederberg — is a surname meaning leather mountain in German and may refer to: * Joshua Lederberg * Esther Lederberg … Wikipedia
Lederberg — [ leɪdəbəːg], Joshua, amerikanischer Mikrobiologe, * Montclair (N. J.) 23. 5. 1925; 1947 54 Professor an der University of Wisconsin in Madison, seither an der Stanford University. Durch Kreuzung von Bakterienstämmen wies Lederberg in… … Universal-Lexikon
Lederberg — Joshua … Scientists
Lederberg — Lederberg, Joshua … Enciclopedia Universal
Lederberg — [led′ər bʉrg΄, lā′dərbʉrg΄] Joshua 1925 ; U.S. geneticist … English World dictionary
LEDERBERG, JOSHUA — (1925– ), U.S. geneticist. Born in Montclair, New Jersey and scion of a rabbinical family from Ereẓ Israel, he studied at Columbia University and then at Yale and made a number of important discoveries in microbial genetics. It had previously… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Lederberg, Joshua — born May 23, 1925, Montclair, N.J., U.S. U.S. geneticist. He earned his Ph.D. at Yale University. With his student Norton Zinder, Lederberg discovered that certain viruses were capable of carrying a bacterial gene from one bacterium to another, a … Universalium
Lederberg , Joshua — (1925–) American geneticist Lederberg was born in Montclair, New Jersey, and educated at Columbia and Yale where he gained his PhD in 1948. He later held chairs of genetics at the University of Wisconsin, where he had taught since 1947, and at… … Scientists
Lederberg, Joshua — (b. 1925) US geneticist and Nobel laureate, 1958. In 1946 Lederberg and a colleague at Yale University discovered that certain bacteria were capable of sexual reproduction and therefore of genetic intermingling. This opened up a whole new… … Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament
Lederberg, Joshua — ► (n. 1925) Fisiólogo estadounidense. Fue premio Nobel de Medicina y Fisiología en 1958, compartido con G. W. Beadle y E. L. Tatum, por sus estudios sobre genética bacteriana. * * * (n. 23 may. 1925, Montclair, N.J., EE.UU.). Genetista… … Enciclopedia Universal