

Lindgren ist ein schwedischer Familienname. Eine Variante des Namens ist Lindgrén.

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  • Lindgren — is a Swedish surname that may refer to *Astrid Lindgren (1907 2002), Swedish writer *Ashley Lindgren, artist *Erick Lindgren, poker professional *Erik Lindgren, American composer and keyboards player *Fredrik Lindgren Swedish speedway rider… …   Wikipedia

  • Lindgren — Lindgren, Hellen, schwed. Literarhistoriker, geb. 13. Juni 1857 in Hedemora, wo sein Vater Propst war, gest. 1903 in Stockholm. Seine Mutter war die Schriftstellerin Amanda Kerfstedt. Mit ihr zog er 1878 nach Stockholm, wo er sich bald einen… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Lindgren —  Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (réelles ou fictives) partageant un même patronyme. Astrid Lindgren (1907 2002), romancière suédoise, auteure d ouvrages pour enfants, le prix commémoratif Astrid Lindgren a été nommé en son… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lindgren — Lịndgren   [ greːn], Astrid, geborene Ericsson, schwedische Schriftstellerin, * Näs (bei Vimmerby, Verwaltungsbezirk Kalmar) 14. 11. 1907, ✝ Stockholm 28. 1. 2002; hatte großen Erfolg mit ihren durch Wärme und Humor geprägten Kinder und… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Lindgren, Torgny — (1938 )    A Swedish novelist, short story writer, and poet, Lindgren is an intensely private person who has provided little information about himself. Born in northern Sweden, he has worked as a teacher; he has a degree in religious studies and… …   Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater

  • Lindgren, Astrid — ▪ Swedish writer born November 14, 1907, Vimmerby, Sweden died January 28, 2002, Stockholm       influential Swedish writer of children s books.       Lindgren s great popularity began in 1945 with the creation of Pippi Långstrump (Pippi… …   Universalium

  • Lindgren, Astrid Anna Emilia Ericsson — ▪ 2003       Swedish children s writer (b. Nov. 14, 1907, Vimmerby, Swed. d. Jan. 28, 2002, Stockholm, Swed.), delighted youngsters around the world with more than 70 books, but her greatest creation was the indomitable Pippi Longstocking, a… …   Universalium

  • Lindgren, Astrid — (1907 2002)    A Swedish author of children s books, Lindgren is arguably as well known in the English speaking world as any other Swedish writer, and perhaps even better. Her best known character is surely her indefatigable Pippi, a girl with… …   Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater

  • Lindgren, Waldemar — ▪ American geologist born Feb. 14, 1860, Kalmar, Swed. died Nov. 3, 1939, Brighton, Mass., U.S.  Swedish born American economic geologist noted for a system of ore classification that he detailed in his book Mineral Deposits (1913).… …   Universalium

  • Lindgren — Recorded in over forty spelling forms ranging from Lind, Linde, Linden, and Line or Lyne, to Lingner, Verlinden, Van Lint, Terlinden and Lindman, this famous surname is of Germanic pre 7th century origins. It has two possible sources. Firstly,… …   Surnames reference

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