Lough Derg (Donegal) — Lough Derg Administration Pays … Wikipédia en Français
Lough Derg — o Derg es el nombre de dos lagos irlandeses: Lough Derg (Shannon): un gran lago en el río Shannon. Lough Derg (Donegal): un pequeño lago lugar de peregrinación cristiana. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo… … Wikipedia Español
Lough Derg — is the name of two lakes in Ireland: * Lough Derg (Shannon) a large lake on the River Shannon, bordering counties Clare, Galway and Tipperary. * Lough Derg (Donegal) a small lake, a place of Christian pilgrimage … Wikipedia
Lough Derg — ist der Name folgender Seen: Lough Derg (Shannon), See in Irland im Unterlauf des Shannon Lough Derg (Donegal), See in Irland in der Region Ulster Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demse … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lough Derg (Shannon) — Infobox lake lake name = Lough Derg image lake = Lough derg.jpg caption lake = Looking out towards County Clare from County Tipperary across the southern part of the lough image bathymetry = caption bathymetry = location = coords =… … Wikipedia
Lough Derg (Ulster) — Infobox lake lake name = Lough Derg (Loch Dearg) image lake = Loughdergdonegal.jpg caption lake = image bathymetry = caption bathymetry = location = County Donegal coords = Coord|54|36|50|N|7|52|20|W|region:IE type:waterbody|display=inline,title… … Wikipedia
Derg, Lough — ▪ lake, Ireland Irish Loch Dearg , or Deirgeirt lake on the River Shannon, situated at the boundary of Counties Tipperary, Galway, and Clare, in Ireland. Lough Derg is 24 miles (39 km) long and 0.5 to 8 miles (1 to 13 km) wide. It is 37… … Universalium
Donegal — Donegal, 1) Grafschaft in der irischen Provinz Ulster, 81,76 QM., grenzt an den Atlantischen Ocean, die Donegalbai, die Grafschaften Fermanagh, Tyrone, Londonderry u. den Lough Foyle; durch die Donegalgebirge (die sich durch Ulster hinziehen;… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Derg — /dɜg/ (say derg) noun 1. Lough /lɒk/ (say lok), the largest and lowest lake on the Shannon River, Republic of Ireland, dividing County Tipperary from Galway and Clare. 39 km long and averaging 3 km in width. 2. a small lake in County Donegal,… …
DERG, LOUGH — an expansion of the waters of the Shannon, Ireland, 24 m. long, from 2 to 6 broad; also a small lake in the S. of Donegal, with small islands, one of which, Station Island, was, as the reputed entrance to St. Patrick s Purgatory, a place of… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia