MC Motherfucker

MC Motherfucker

Archi Alert (* 1965 in Augsburg) war Gitarrist von Inferno und danach Frontmann der Berliner Punkband Terrorgruppe.

Alert begann seine musikalische Karriere 1980 in der Band Sexualtäter. Ein Jahr später wurde Alert Mitglied der Augsburger Hardcore-Band Inferno, die er 1986 wieder verließ.

Es folgten diverse musikalische Projekte, ehe Alert 1993 zusammen mit Johnny Bottrop die Band Terrorgruppe gründete. Im November 2005 verließ er die Band, die sich danach als The Bottrops neu formierte.

Zur Zeit widmet sich Alert einem Soloprojekt namens Beelzebob und etlichen Album-Produktionen für Bands wie The Movement, The Creetins und Bitume. Außerdem produzierte er seit 2005 zwei Musik-Film-Dokumentationen über die Deconstruction-Tour und K.I.Z..

Auf dem aktuellen Album Hahnenkampf der Rapcrew K.I.Z. übernahm Alert unter dem PseudonymMC Motherfuckerdie Produktion des Titels Schwarz, Rot, Geld.


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  • motherfucker — moth er*fuck er n. 1. A person who is deemed to be worthless or despicable; obscene and highly offensive. [vulgar slang] Syn: rotter, rat, skunk, stinker, bum, crumb, lowlife, scum bag, cocksucker, mother. [WordNet 1.5] 2. Any object viewed as… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • motherfucker — (n.) also mother fucker, mother fucker, usually simply an intensive of fucker (see FUCK (Cf. fuck)), attested from 1956; implied in clipped form mother (with the context made clear) by 1928; motherfucking is from 1933 …   Etymology dictionary

  • motherfucker — [muth′ər fuk΄ər] n. [Vulgar Slang] a person or thing regarded as remarkable, despicable, contemptible, unpleasant, difficult, etc. motherfucking adj …   English World dictionary

  • Motherfucker — (sometimes abbreviated as mofo, mf, or mf er) is a vulgarism which, in its most literal sense, refers to one who participates in sexual intercourse with a mother, either someone else s mother, or his own. Contents 1 Vari …   Wikipedia

  • motherfucker —    ‘Get the fuck away from my wife, you fucking motherfucker,’ says one man to another in Any Minute I Can Split, by Judith Rossner. The term is used in low colloquial American speech to a man who is detested. The speaker is probably not thinking …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

  • Motherfucker — Fuck  (Hörbeispiel)?/i ist ein Vulgärausdruck der modernen englischen Sprache und eines der bekanntesten Schimpfwörter der Welt. Die wörtliche Übersetzung von to fuck ist „ficken“. In der Umgangssprache wird es jedoch meist nicht im wörtlichen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • motherfucker — noun a) An extremely undesirable person. Up against the wall, motherfucker. b) Any person, often but not always with the connotation that the person is disliked or is threatening. Check out this motherfucker. Syn: muthafucka See Also:… …   Wiktionary

  • motherfucker — UK [ˈmʌðə(r)ˌfʌkə(r)] / US [ˈmʌðərˌfʌkər] noun [countable] Word forms motherfucker : singular motherfucker plural motherfuckers mainly American offensive an extremely offensive word for an annoying and unpleasant person or thing …   English dictionary

  • motherfucker — noun Date: circa 1935 1. usually obscene one that is formidable, contemptible, or offensive usually used as a generalized term of abuse 2. usually obscene person, fellow < he was a hilarious motherfucker Wayne Kramer > • motherfucking adjective,… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • motherfucker — n American a. a despicable person. The most common term of strong abuse in the American vocabulary. (Euphemistic forms such as mother raper , mother jumper or just mother are sometimes substituted.) The expression, naming the ultimate in… …   Contemporary slang

  • motherfucker — [[t]mʌ̱ðə(r)fʌkə(r)[/t]] motherfuckers N COUNT (disapproval) If someone calls a person, usually a man, a motherfucker, they are insulting him in a very unpleasant way. [mainly AM, VERY RUDE] …   English dictionary

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