Mar Zutra I. — Mar Zutra I. war von 442 bis 455 der 25. Exilarch, das weltliche Oberhaupt des babylonischen Judentums. Seine Söhne Kahana II. und Huna V. folgten als Exilarchen, wobei Huna V. gekreuzigt wurde. Quelle Jewish Encyclopedia Personendaten NAME Mar… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mar Zutra — For the 30th Exilarch Amora sage of Babylon, leader of the rebel against Kavadh I, see: Mar Zutra II. For the Savora sage, son of the 30th Exilarch, see: Mar Zutra III Rabbinical Eras Chazal Zugot Tannaim Amoraim Savoraim Geonim Rishonim… … Wikipedia
Mar-Zutra III — For his father, the 30th Exilarch Amora sage of Babylon and leader of the rebel against Kavadh I, see Mar Zutra II. For the Amora sage of Babylon of the sixth generation, head of the academy of Pumbedita, see Mar Zutra Mar Zutra III, also called… … Wikipedia
ZUTRA, MAR — ZUTRA, MAR, the names of three exilarchs during the fifth and sixth centuries. MAR ZUTRA I (d. c. 414), exilarch from 401 to 409, the successor of Mar Kahana and a contemporary of R. Ashi. It may be that he was the son of Huna b. Nathan, although … Encyclopedia of Judaism
MAR — (Aram. מַר; lit. lord ), a term of respect and endearment used in addressing an important person. Daniel addressed the king as mari ( my lord ; Dan. 4:16). The rabbis related that King jehoshaphat rose from his throne upon seeing a scholar,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Mar Sutra — (auch Mar Zutra) ist der Name folgender Personen: Mar Sutra (6. Generation) (auch Mar Sutra I.; gest. 417), babylonischer Amoräer Mar Sutra (Exilarch) (auch Mar Sutra II.; 495 – 520), Exilarch Mar Sutra bar Mar Sutra (auch Mar Sutra III.),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mar Sutra (6. Generation) — Mar Sutra (auch Mar Sutra I. oder Mar Zutra I.; Mar = aramäisch Herr; gest. 417) war ein babylonischer Amoräer der 6. Generation und lebte und wirkte im 4. und 5. nachchristlichen Jahrhundert. Er war ein Freund und Studiengenosse Aschis. Gemäß… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mar Ukva — For the Geonim sage, also an Exilarch, see: Mar Ukba. For the Amora sage of the 3d generation, also an Exilarch, see: Mar Ukban III (exilarch) [also known as Ukban ben Nehemiah or Nathan de Zuzita ]. Rabbinical Eras Chazal Zugot Tannaim Amoraim… … Wikipedia
Mar b. Rav Ashi — For the sixth generation Amora sage of Babylon, see Rav Ashi (his father). Rabbinical Eras Chazal Zugot Tannaim Amoraim Savoraim Geonim Rishonim Acharonim Mar b. Rav Ashi (Tabyomi) (Hebrew: מר בר רב אשי, read as Mar … Wikipedia
Mar 'Ukban III (exilarch) — For the Amora sage of the 1st generation, also an Exilarch, see: Mar Ukva. For the Geonim sage, also an Exilarch, see: Mar Ukba. Nathan de Zuzita, Jewish Amora sage of the 3d generation, whom according to Joseph ben Ḥama (Shab. 56b), is to be… … Wikipedia