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  • Nirenberg — is the surname of the following people: Louis Nirenberg (born 1925), mathematician Marshall Warren Nirenberg (1927 – 2010), biochemist and geneticist John Nirenberg (born 1947), professor and citizen This page or section lists people with the… …   Wikipedia

  • Nirenberg —   [ naɪrɪnbəːg], Marshall Warren, amerikanischer Biochemiker, * New York 10. 4. 1927; seit 1957 an den National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda (Maryland) tätig, seit 1962 Leiter der Abteilung für biochemische Genetik am National Heart… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Nirenberg — Marshall Warren …   Scientists

  • Nirenberg — Nirenberg, Marschal W …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • NIRENBERG, MARSHALL WARREN — (1927– ), U.S. biochemist and Nobel Prize winner. Nirenberg was born in New York City and educated in Orlando, Florida. He received his B.Sc. (1948) and M.Sc. (1952) in zoology from the University of Florida at Gainesville and earned his Ph.D. in …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Nirenberg and Matthaei experiment — The Nirenberg and Matthaei experiment was a scientific experiment performed on May 15, 1961, by Marshall W. Nirenberg and his post doctoral fellow, Heinrich J. Matthaei. The experiment cracked the genetic code by using nucleic acid homopolymers… …   Wikipedia

  • Nirenberg and Leder experiment — Marshall Nirenberg The Nirenberg and Leder experiment was a scientific experiment performed in 1964 by Marshall W. Nirenberg and Philip Leder. The experiment elucidated the triplet nature of the genetic code and allowed the remaining ambiguities… …   Wikipedia

  • Nirenberg, Marshall Warren — born April 10, 1927, New York, N.Y., U.S. U.S. biochemist. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. He demonstrated that each possible triplet (codon) of the four different kinds of nitrogen containing bases found in DNA and (in… …   Universalium

  • Nirenberg , Marshall Warren — (1927–) American biochemist Nirenberg, who was born in New York City, graduated from the University of Florida in 1948 and gained his PhD in biochemistry from the University of Michigan in 1957. He then joined the National Institutes of Health in …   Scientists

  • Nirenberg, Marshall Warren — (n. 10 abr. 1927, Nueva York, N.Y., EE.UU.). Bioquímico estadounidense. Obtuvo un Ph.D. en la Universidad de Michigan. Demostró que cada tripleta posible (codón) de las cuatro clases de bases nitrogenadas presentes en el ADN y (en algunos virus)… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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