
Allgemeine Informationen
Genre(s) Black Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal
Gründung 1990
Auflösung 2005
Website http://www.myspace.com/occult
Maurice „Sephiroth“ Swinkels
Leon Pennings (bis 1999)
Sjors Tuithof (bis 1999)
Erik Fleuren
Letzte Besetzung
Maurice „Sephiroth“ Swinkels
Richard Ebisch (seit 1994)
Twan Fleuren (seit 1999)
Erik Fleuren
Ehemalige Mitglieder
Rachel Heyzer-Kloosterwaard (1994–2001)

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  • Occult — Oc*cult , a. [L. occultus, p. p. of occulere to cover up, hide; ob (see {Ob }) + a root prob. akin to E. hell: cf. F. occulte.] Hidden from the eye or the understanding; invisible; secret; concealed; unknown. [1913 Webster] It is of an occult… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • occult — ► NOUN (the occult) ▪ supernatural beliefs, practices, or phenomena. ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to the occult. 2) beyond ordinary knowledge or experience; esoteric. 3) Medicine (of a disease or process) present but not readily discernible. ► VERB …   English terms dictionary

  • occult — [ə kult′, ä′kult΄] adj. [L occultus, concealed, pp. of occulere, to cover over < ob (see OB ) + celare, to hide (see HALL)] 1. hidden; concealed 2. secret; esoteric 3. beyond human understanding; mysterious 4. designating or of certa …   English World dictionary

  • Occult — Oc*cult , v. t. To eclipse; to hide from sight. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • occult — index blind (obscure), cloak, covert, elusive, esoteric, hidden, incomprehensible, inexplicable …   Law dictionary

  • occult — (adj.) 1530s, secret, not divulged, from L. occultus hidden, concealed, secret, pp. of occulere cover over, conceal, from ob over (see OB (Cf. ob )) + a verb related to celare to hide, from PIE root *kel to hide (see CELL (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

  • occult — esoteric, *recondite, abstruse Analogous words: *mysterious, inscrutable, arcane: mystic, cabalistic, *mystical, anagogic …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • occult — [adj] mysterious, secret; supernatural abstruse, acroamatic, arcane, cabalistic, concealed, deep, eerie, esoteric, hermetic, hidden, invisible, magic, magical, mystic, mystical, obscure, orphic, preternatural, profound, psychic, recondite,… …   New thesaurus

  • Occult — For other uses, see Occult (disambiguation). The word occult comes from the Latin word occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret), referring to knowledge of the hidden .[1] In the medical sense it is used to refer to a structure or process that is… …   Wikipedia

  • Occult — Hidden. Occult blood is hidden from the eye but is nonetheless present and can be detected by chemical tests. Spina bifida occulta is a hidden defect in the spinal column. * * * 1. Hidden; concealed; not manifest. 2. Denoting a concealed… …   Medical dictionary

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