

Off-Screen bezeichnet

  • die Persönlichkeit und das Verhalten eines Schauspielers im Privatleben, im Gegensatz zu den Charakteren, die er im Film spielt (On-Screen), nicht zu verwechseln mit Off camera
  • die AnweisungOSin Drehbüchern, um gesprochenen Text oder ein Geräusch zu kennzeichnen, dessen Ursprung nicht im Blickwinkel der Kamera liegen soll
  • Offscreen (Computer) bzw. „Offscreen-Buffer“, einen Speicherbereich, in dem ein Bildschirminhalt aufgebaut wird, während man einen anderen Bildschirminhalt sieht
  • Offscreen (Film), einen dänischen Kinofilm
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  • off-screen — adv when a film actor is not acting ≠ ↑on screen ▪ What s he like off screen? >off screen adj ▪ off screen romances …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • off-screen — adjective, adverb in the real life of an actor: the star s troubled off screen life …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • off-screen — UK US adjective, adverb in the real life of an actor the star’s troubled off screen life Thesaurus: words used to describe performers or performanceshyponym …   Useful english dictionary

  • off-screen — [ôf′skrēn′] adj., adv. 1. not in a film, TV show, etc. 2. not in a film FRAME (n. 13b) or on a TV or computer screen: Also, esp. for sense 1, offscreen * …   Universalium

  • off-screen — [ôf′skrēn′] adj., adv. 1. not in a film, TV show, etc. 2. not in a film FRAME (n. 13b) or on a TV or computer screen: Also, esp. for sense 1, offscreen …   English World dictionary

  • off|screen — «AWF SKREEN, OF », adjective, adverb. 1. not seen on the motion picture or television screen: »an offscreen voice or commentary. 2. while not acting for motion pictures or television: »Japanese actors, offscreen, are less excitable than American… …   Useful english dictionary

  • off-screen — also offscreen ADV: ADV with cl You use off screen to refer to the real lives of film or television actors, in contrast with the lives of the characters they play. He was immensely attractive to women, onscreen and offscreen... Off screen, Kathy… …   English dictionary

  • off-screen — adverb when a film actor is not acting: What s he like off screen? off screen adjective: The fan magazines are full of her off screen romances …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • off-screen — UK / US adjective, adverb in the real life of an actor the star s troubled off screen life …   English dictionary

  • off·screen — …   Useful english dictionary

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