Omer Simeon — Joe Thomas, Omer Simeon and Eddie Wilcox, Loyal Charles Lodge No. 167, New York, cin Oct. 1947 Omer Victor Simeon (July 21, 1902 – September 17, 1959) was an American jazz clarinetist. He also played soprano, alto, and baritone saxophone and bass … Wikipedia
Siméon — Simeon ist einer der 12 Söhne Jakobs und Stammvater eines der Zwölf Stämme Israels, siehe Simeon (AT) ein Prophet im Neuen Testament, siehe Simeon (Prophet) ein byzantinischer Mönch und Eremit, Heiliger (um 980/990 bis 1035), siehe Simeon von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Simeon — ist ein Einzelname, ein männlicher Vorname und ein Familienname. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Namensträger 1.1 Einzelname 1.2 Vorname 1.3 Familienname … Deutsch Wikipedia
OMER — (Heb. עֹמֶר, lit. sheaf ), an offering brought to the Temple on the 16th of Nisan and thus the name of the period between Passover and Shavuot. The Bible (Lev. 23:9ff.) prescribes that when you enter the land which I am giving to you and reap its … Encyclopedia of Judaism
SIMEON BAR YOḤAI — (mid second century C.E.), tanna. Simeon was one of the most important pupils of akiva . In the Mishnah, the Tosefta, and those midrashei halakhah belonging to the school of R. Akiva, he is almost universally called R. Simeon without any… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Simeon ben Yohai — /sim ee euhn ben yoh khuy/ fl. 2nd century A.D., Palestinian rabbi. * * * ▪ Jewish scholar flourished 2nd century AD Galilean tanna (i.e., one of a select group of Palestinian rabbinic teachers), one of the most eminent disciples of the… … Universalium
Simeon bar-Yohai — (mid 2nd century) Palestinian tanna. A pupil of AKIBA, he studied at Bnai Brak. He was one of the five outstanding pupils that survived the Roman persecution after the revolt of BAR KOCHBA, and continued studying with Akiba after the latter’s… … Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament
LAG BA-OMER — (Heb. לַ״ג בָּעֹמֶר), the 33rd (Heb. לַ״ג) day of the counting of the omer , which is reckoned from the second day of passover until shavuot . It occurs on the 18th day of iyyar and has been celebrated as a semiholiday since the time of the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
DURAN, SIMEON BEN ẒEMAḤ — (RaSHBaẒ, Hebrew acronym of Rabbi Shimon ben Ẓemaḥ; 1361–1444), rabbinic authority, philosopher, and scientist. He was born in Majorca to R. Ẓemaḥ Astruc Duran. In his youth Simeon studied in Palma (Majorca) at the yeshivah of Ephraim Vidal, who… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Lag Ba'omer — La tumba del rabino Simeón Bar Yochai en Merón, durante Lag Ba omer … Wikipedia Español