pahlavi — PAHLAVÍ s.f. (lingv.) Limba persană vorbită între sec. III şi IX, pentru care se folosea un alfabet semitic. [var. pehlevi s.f. / < fr., engl. pahlavi < cuv. persan]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 05.07.2005. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
Pahlavi — Pah la*vi, Pahlevi Pah le*vi, n. 1. The language of Sassanian Persia. See {Pehlevi}. [1913 Webster] 2. The script in which the Pahlavi language was written. It was taken from the Aramaic alphabet. [PJC] 3. A gold coin formerly used in Iran, equal … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pahlavi — 1773, Iranian language spoken in Persia 3c. 10c., from Pers. Pahlavi, from O.Pers. Parthava Parthia (see PARTHIAN (Cf. Parthian)) … Etymology dictionary
pahlavi — [pä′lə vē] n. pl. pahlavi [Pers pahlawī, orig., belonging to Riza Khan Pahlawi (1877 1944), Shah of Persia] a former gold coin of Iran … English World dictionary
Pahlavi — Pahlavi, s. Pehlevi … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Pahlavi — [pä′lə vē] n. var. of PEHLEVI … English World dictionary
Pahlavi — Dynastie Pahlavi Histoire de l Iran Civilisation proto élamite (3 200 2 700 av. J. C.) Civilisation de Jiroft (3 000 Ve siècle av. J. C. Royaume élamite … Wikipédia en Français
Pahlavi — Para la dinastía iraní, véase Dinastía Pahlavi. Pahlavi, Pahlevi, Pehlvi o Pelvi, términos que provienen de pahlawīg, parto, se refiere a una forma escrita del idioma persa, principalmente de la época sasánida, con las siguientes características… … Wikipedia Español
pahlavi — pehlvi [ pɛlvi ] n. m. • 1771; de pahlavik « des Parthes », mot de cette langue ♦ Ling. Langue parlée en Perse sous les Sassanides, moyen iranien occidental dont le parsi est une des branches. On dit aussi PAHLAVI [ palavi ]. ● pahlavi ou pehlvi… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Pahlavi — I. noun Etymology: Persian pahlavī, from Pahlav Parthia, from Old Persian Parthava Date: 1773 1. the Iranian language of Sassanian Persia see Indo European languages table 2. a script used for writing Pahlavi II. biographical name see Reza Shah… … New Collegiate Dictionary