

Pendergast ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

  • Tom Pendergast (18731945), US-amerikanischer Unternehmer und Politiker

Siehe auch:

  • Aloysius X. L. Pendergast, fiktiver Charakter, der in einer Serie von Thriller-Romanen der beiden Autoren Douglas Preston und Lincoln Child eine bedeutende Rolle spielt
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  • Pendergast — (Irish: de Piondárgas , Piondárgas ) is an Irish surname derived from Prendergast.Pendergast may refer to:*Aloysius Pendergast, a fictional FBI special agent from Preston/Child novels *Clancy Pendergast, a defensive coordinator for the NFL s… …   Wikipedia

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  • Pendergast, Thomas J — ▪ American politician born July 22, 1872, St. Joseph, Mo., U.S. died Jan. 26, 1945, Kansas City, Mo.       U.S. politician who created a powerful political machine in Missouri. Critics of Pres. Harry S. Truman frequently linked his name with… …   Universalium

  • Pendergast — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Aloysius Pendergast — Pendergast Personnage de fiction apparaissant dans Preston Child, Cycle Pendergast Nom original Aloysius Pendergast …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pendergast, Thomas J(oseph) — born July 22, 1872, St. Joseph, Mo., U.S. died Jan. 26, 1945, Kansas City, Mo. U.S. politician. He was active in municipal politics in Kansas City, Mo., and became the political boss of the city s Democrats by 1916. His political machine… …   Universalium

  • Pendergast, Thomas J(oseph) — (22 jul. 1872, St. Joseph, Mo., EE.UU.–26 ene. 1945, Kansas City, Mo.). Político estadounidense. Participó en la política municipal en Kansas City, Mo., y en 1916 era el jefe político de los demócratas de esa ciudad. Su aparato político dominó la …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Aloysius Pendergast — This article is about a fictional character. For other uses of the name, see Pendergast. Aloysius Pendergast Aloysius X. L. Pendergast First appearance …   Wikipedia

  • Aloysius Pendergast — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Aloysius X. L. Pendergast es un personaje de ficción que aparece en las novelas de Douglas Preston y Lincoln Child. En las novelas, Pendergast es un agente especial de la Oficina Federal de Investigación de los… …   Wikipedia Español

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