pub´-crawl´er — pub crawl «PUHB KRL», verb, noun. Slang. –v.i. to go from one pub or bar to another: »I d rather pub crawl than visit Whitehall (Saturday Review). –n. a round of several pubs made by one or more persons. –pub´ crawl´er, noun … Useful english dictionary
pub-crawl — pub′ crawl v. i. cvb to have drinks at one bar after another • Etymology: 1935–40 pub′ crawl , n. pub′ crawl er, n … From formal English to slang
pub-crawl — [pub′krôl΄] [Informal, Chiefly Brit.] Brit. Informal vi. to go from one pub to another as on a drinking spree n. the act of, or a period spent in, pub crawling: also pub crawl … English World dictionary
pub crawl — pub crawls N COUNT If people go on a pub crawl, they go from one pub to another having drinks in each one. [BRIT, INFORMAL] David had been on a pub crawl with pals from his rugby club … English dictionary
pub-crawl — n BrE informal a visit to several pubs, one after the other, during which you have a drink in each pub ▪ a Saturday night pub crawl … Dictionary of contemporary English
pub-crawl — pub crawler, n. /pub krawl /, v.i. 1. to have drinks at one bar after another. n. 2. See pub crawl. [1935 40] * * * … Universalium
pub crawl — pub ,crawl noun count BRITISH INFORMAL the activity of going to several pubs one after the other and having a drink in each one … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pub crawl — ► NOUN Brit. informal ▪ a tour taking in several pubs, with one or more drinks at each … English terms dictionary
Pub crawl — A bar in the USA A pub crawl (sometimes called a bar tour, bar crawl or bar hopping) is the act of one or more people drinking in multiple pubs or bars in a single night, normally walking or busing to each one between drinking … Wikipedia
pub crawl — noun a tour of bars or public houses (usually taking one drink at each stop) • Hypernyms: ↑tour, ↑circuit * * * noun : a tour of bars and public houses usually with a pause for one drink at each moved from café to café in a regular pub crawl… … Useful english dictionary
pub-crawl — verb go from one pub to the next and get progressively more drunk he pub crawled around Birmingham • Syn: ↑bar hop • Hypernyms: ↑drink, ↑booze, ↑fuddle • Verb Frames … Useful english dictionary