Quayle — is a surname originating from the Isle of Man.People named Quayle include:*Dan Quayle, 44th Vice President of the United States *Marilyn Quayle Wife of the Vice President, Second Lady of the United States, and author *William Alfred Quayle, a… … Wikipedia
Quayle — [kweɪl], 1) Sir (seit 1985) Anthony, britischer Schauspieler und Theaterregisseur, * Ainsdale (County Lancashire) 7. 9. 1913, ✝ London 20. 10. 1989; bekannt als Darsteller v. a. in klassischen Bühnenstücken (Shakespeare u. a.); 1932 39… … Universal-Lexikon
Quayle — This is a famous English surname, and one well recorded in the USA. It has two possible origins. The first is or rather was, a nickname from the medieval English word quaille , a bird noted for its timidity. The surname from this source is first… … Surnames reference
Quayle — biographical name James Danforth 1947 Dan Quayle American politician; vice president of the United States (1989 93) … New Collegiate Dictionary
Quayle — /kwayl/, n. James Danforth (Dan), born 1947, vice president of the U.S. 1989 93. * * * [kwāl] Dan (1947 ), U.S. politician; full name James Danforth Quayle. A Republican from Indiana, he served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives… … Useful english dictionary
Quayle,James Danforth — Quayle (kwāl), James Danforth. Born 1947. Vice President of the United States (1989 1993) under George Bush. * * * … Universalium
Quayle, Dan — ▪ vice president of United States in full James Danforth Quayle born Feb. 4, 1947, Indianapolis, Ind., U.S. 44th vice president of the United States (1989–93) in the Republican administration of President George Bush (Bush, George).… … Universalium
Quayle, Sir Anthony — ▪ British actor in full Sir John Anthony Quayle born Sept. 7, 1913, Ainsdale, Lancashire, Eng. died Oct 20, 1989, London British actor and director who was well known for his roles in classic plays on the stage as well as for his motion… … Universalium
Quayle, (James) Dan(forth) — born Feb. 4, 1947, Indianapolis, Ind., U.S. U.S. politician. After earning a law degree, he served as associate publisher of his family s Huntington Herald Press (1974–76). He served two terms in the U.S. House of Representatives (1977–81) and… … Universalium
Quayle, (James) Dan(forth) — (n. 4 feb. 1947, Indianápolis, Ind., EE.UU.). Político estadounidense. Después de recibir el título de abogado, se desempeñó como editor asociado del periódico familiar Huntington Herald Press (1974–76). Estuvo durante dos períodos en la Cámara… … Enciclopedia Universal